Kristi Allgood, M.P.H.

allgood Training: B.S. Exercise Science from Miami University of Ohio; M.P.H. in Epidemiology from University of Illinois at Chicago, School of Public Health. On the job training for 12 years as a Social Epidemiologist at the Sinai Urban Health Institute in Chicago. At Michigan, Research Fellowship through the Center for Research on Ethnicity, Culture and Health (CRECH) through the Health Behavior and Health Education Department at University of Michigan School of Public Health.

Research Focus: My work aims to understand racial and ethnic health disparities at the macro-level by examining the health effects of policies, laws and customs that limit access to goods, services, and resources to minority communities while simultaneously providing privilege to non-minorities (structural racism). My research will focus on three ways to measure structural racism at three distinct points in the life-course—birth, mid-life and end of life.

Tags: Disparities, Neighborhoods