Advancement to Candidacy Forms

(For students who entered doctoral program prior to fall 2007)

00198 is the Academic Program Number for the below forms.

The paperwork required for advancement to candidacy includes the following three forms. At least two weeks prior to the advancement presentation, a student must have a nominated and approved Dissertation Committee. When the student goes to the presentation they must bring the Epidemiology Department Advancement to Candidacy Form. The entire committee signs this form attesting that the student passed their research prospectus presentation. The Rackham Recommendation for Candidacy Form should be filled out and submitted with the Department form to Epidemiology's Student Services Coordinator in 4647 SPH Tower.

Two weeks before presenting your final dissertation oral defese, please complete the PR Information Sheet (PDF) and submit it to Jessica Whipple (her contact information is on the sheet). Jessica will publicize your event