I AM FPHLP 2017: Larry Mosley Jr.
While seeking an opportunity that would grant him a well-rounded public health experience,
Larry applied to FPHLP. Larry Mosley Jr. was part of the 2017 cohort.
Larry is currently a junior at the University of Alabama in Birmingham, majoring in Public Health with a concentration in Environmental Health Science and minoring in History. This past summer, Larry worked with the Washtenaw County Environmental Health Department. At his field placement, he went through the department's housing complaints and reorganized, clarified, and condensed information.
From falling into a lake while collecting water samples to making friends from all around the country, Larry remembers and appreciates the many experiences he lived during his 10 weeks in Ann Arbor. One of the things he enjoyed the most was learning about the advancements that the field of public health is making all around the world.
As a quiet person, Larry felt challenged when the program started. Larry preferred to stay in the background and observe what was happening; being shy and quiet felt like a weakness. Through FPHLP, Larry saw how listening, observing, and letting others speak are strengths and not weaknesses. Larry also learned to be comfortable with speaking up, and now he's confident on giving his views on different situations.
Since FPHLP, Larry has been working with a local non-profit organization called Gasp to test the air quality in Birmingham, AL. He's also helping them develop their citizens science program by testing and evaluating air monitors to see which ones are best for local residents.
Larry is grateful that FPHLP helped him discover his passions and find where he sees himself in the future. Larry is currently undecided on whether he plans to go to graduate school or start his career right after graduation. In the future, Larry plans to join the United States Public Health Service as an Environmental Health Scientist.
For anyone considering applying to FPHLP, Larry says to just apply, even if it's scary or something you can't envision yourself doing. "Never be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and explore new things," Larry recommends. "You might just find what you really love."