What We Do
The University of Michigan Kidney Epidemiology and Cost Center (UM-KECC) is an interdisciplinary research group dedicated to fighting the battle against ESRD by promoting health, improving patient outcomes, and informing public policy regarding kidney failure and transplantation.
Bringing Experts Together
This group brings together experts from the Departments of Biostatistics, Health Management and Policy, Surgery, Internal Medicine, Nephrology and Epidemiology. UM-KECC includes 34 affiliated faculty members from these departments, as well as over 60 statistical analysis, IT, programming,and administrative staff.
Affiliated Faculty
UM-KECC's Medical School affiliated faculty contribute over 170 total years of clinical
practice experience to our team.
These clinicians continue to practice in a tertiary care medical center, providing real-time updated medical knowledge to our products.
Our analytic team includes internationally recognized experts in biostatistics and epidemiology who specialize in key techniques for statistical analysis of large-scale clinical data.
Our team takes a leadership role in the development and application of methods for risk adjustment, survival analysis, hierarchical modeling, and complex censoring patterns that have been crucial to our success in quality measure development, performance evaluation, and clinical research.
ESRD Database
Our ongoing work includes developing and reporting on outcomes and process measures
among the End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) population and assessing the prevalence and
impact of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) on the health care system as well as resources
utilized by those with CKD.
Our ESRD database is the backbone for the research of UM-KECC, which has been maintaining a large database that was first assembled in 1988.
Since that time, this database has been updated and expanded to support ongoing government contracts.