Coronavirus Mapping In Michigan

The goal of this COVID-19 mapping project is to put COVID in its spatial and social context, and to allow better exploration and understanding of geographic patterns in detected cases and deaths. Additionally, this project will explore how the distribution of COVID-19 cases change with respect to social risk factors, such as urban/rural environment, age and race. The team has developed this interactive map for you to explore the spread of COVID-19 cases around the state of Michigan through space and time, from the first detected case on March 8, 2020 until present. Student collaborators have been instrumental to the success of this project; the research team includes Epidemiology doctoral candidates, Kelly Broen, MPH, Nina Masters, MPH, Ramya Naraharisetti, MPH, and Statistics doctoral candidate Rob Trangucci, MA, as well as assistance from Alex Cao, MSc and Stephanie Choi, MSc.