Faculty Profile

David H. Garabrant, MD, MPH
- Professor Emeritus, Environmental Health Sciences
- Professor Emeritus, Epidemiology
- Associate Professor Emeritus, Emergency Medicine
Professor Garabrant is a physician who has conducted research in occupational and environmental epidemiology for the past 25 years. He is board certified in internal medicine, occupational medicine, and preventive medicine. Since joining the faculty at the University of Michigan in 1988, he has served as Director of the Occupational Medicine Program, Director of the Occupational Health Program, Director of the Center for Occupational Health and Safety Engineering, and Director of the Cancer Prevention Training Program. Currently he directs the curriculum in occupational and environmental epidemiology and is the Director of the Center for Risk Science and Communication.
- MS in Physiology, Harvard University, 1980
- MPH, Harvard University, 1979
- MD, Tufts University, 1976
- BS in Chemical Engineering, Tufts University, 1972
Case-control study of pancreas cancer examining the roles of DDT and other chlorinated pesticides, familial cancer history, Helicobacter species, obesity, and smoking.
Dioxin exposure study examining exposure pathways by which environmental sources of dioxins contribute to serum dioxin levels.
Cohort mortality study of automotive manufacturing workers examining the risks related to machining fluids and petroleum oils, welding fumes, and various other exposures.
Case-control study of leukemia and lymphomas in an automobile transmission manufacturing plant examining the roles of machining fluids and petroleum oils, welding fumes, solvents, and various other exposures.
Case-control study of lung cancer in automobile assembly plants examining the roles of machining fluids and petroleum oils, welding fumes, asbestos, and various other exposures.
Prospective cohort study of chlorpyrifos manufacturing workers examining effects on the central and peripheral nervous systems, involving biological monitoring of urinary trichloropyridinol, serum cholinesterase, and PON genetic polymorphisms.
Mesothelioma risks among automotive service workers and brake mechanics.
Fryzek, J.P., Schenk, M., Kinnard, M., Greenson, J.K., Garabrant, D.H. (2005). The association of body mass index and pancreatic cancer in residents of southeastern Michigan 1996-1999. American Journal of Epidemiology 222-228.
Kingman, A., Albers, J.W., Arezzo, J.C., Garabrant, D.H., Michalek, J.E. (2005). Amalgam Exposure and Neurological Function. NeuroToxicology 241-255.
Albers, J.W., Berent, S., Garabrant, D.H., Giordani, B.G., Schweitzer, S.J., Garrison, R.P., Richardson, R.J. (2004). The effects of occupational exposure to chlorpyrifos on the neurological examination of central nervous system function: A prospective cohort study. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 367-378.
Akhtar, F.Z., Garabrant, D.H., Ketchum, N.S., Michalek, J.E. (2004). Cancer in US air force veterans of the Vietnam war. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 123-136.
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