Faculty Profile

Richard A. Hirth, PhD
- S.J. Axelrod Collegiate Professor of Health Management and Policy
- Professor, Department of Internal Medicine
- Associate Director, Kidney Epidemiology and Cost Center
Dr. Richard Hirth received his Bachelor's degree in Economics from Carleton College, and PhD in Economics from the University of Pennsylvania.
Dr. Hirth has received several awards, including the AcademyHealth Health Services Research Impact Award, the Kenneth J. Arrow Award in Health Economics, awarded annually by the International Health Economics Association to the best paper in health economics, the University of Michigan School of Public Health Excellence in Research Award, the Excellence in Research Award in Health Policy from the Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Michigan Foundation, and the Thompson Prize for Young Investigators from the Association of University Programs in Health Administration. His work as also been recognized by Health Affairs as a Top 20 Most Read Article, and being selected as Outstanding Abstract (consumer decision-making theme) at the AcademyHealth Annual Meeting, and Outstanding Abstract (long-term care theme) at the Academy for Health Services Research and Health Policy Annual Meeting.
- PhD, Economics, University of Pennsylvania, 1993
- MA, Economics, University of Pennsylvania, 1988
- BA (Summa Cum Laude), Economics, Carleton College, 1987
Dr. Hirth's research interests include the economics of end stage renal disease care, health insurance design and healthcare spending, the role of not-for-profit providers in health care markets, and long-term care. His research underlies Medicare's payment system for kidney dialysis.
S.S. Huang, R.A. Hirth, Quality Rating and Private Prices: Evidence from the Nursing Home Industry, Journal of Health Economics, 50:59-70, 2016.
R.A. Hirth, E.Q. Cliff, T.B. Gibson, M.R. McKellar, A.M. Fendrick, The Clinical and Economic Impact of an Innovative Clinically Nuanced Benefit Design for Connecticut State Employees, Health Affairs 35(4):637-646, April 2016.
R.A. Hirth, S. Calonico, T.B. Gibson, H. Levy, J. Smith, A. Das, Long-term Health Spending Persistence among the Privately Insured, Fiscal Studies, 37(3-4):749-783, September 2016.
S.S. Stith, R.A. Hirth, The Effect of Performance Standards on Healthcare Provider Behavior: Evidence from Kidney Transplantation, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 25(4):789-825, Winter 2016.
R.A. Hirth, T.B. Gibson, H.G. Levy, J.A. Smith, S. Calonico, A. Das, New Evidence on the Persistence of Health Spending, Medical Care Research and Review, 72(3):277-297, June 2015.
R.A. Hirth, D.C. Grabowski, Z. Feng, M. Rahman, V. Mor (2014). Effect of nursing home ownership on hospitalization of long-stay residents: an instrumental variables approach International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics118.
Email: [email protected]
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Areas of Expertise: Health Economics, Health Insurance