Faculty Profile

James S. House, PhD
- Senior Research Scientist Emeritus
- Professor Emeritus, Sociology
- Research Professor Emeritus, Survey Research Center
James S. House, Ph.D., Angus Campbell Distinguished University Professor of Survey
Research, Public Policy, and Sociology, professor of public policy, Gerald R. Ford
School of Public Policy, professor of sociology, College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, research scientist, epidemiology, School of Public Health, and research
professor, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, retired from active
faculty status on August 31, 2014.
Professor House received his B.A. degree from Haverford College in 1965 and his Ph.D.
degree from the University of Michigan in 1972. He joined the University of Michigan
faculty in 1978. He was appointed the Angus Campbell Collegiate Professor of Sociology
and Survey Research in 2005 and the Angus Campbell Distinguished University Professor
of Survey Research, Public Policy, and Sociology in 2008. He served as associate chair
of the Department of Sociology (1981-84), chair of the Department of Sociology (1986-91),
and director of the Survey Research Center at the Institute for Social Research (1991-01).
Professor House's research explores the impact on human health of social psychological
phenomena such as stress, social supports, and racial and economic inequality. He
was one of the first scholars to look beyond the biological determinants of health,
starting with his research on work stresses and coronary heart disease in the 1970's.
In the 1980's and early 1990's, he was in the vanguard of scholars systematically
investigating the influence of social relationships and social supports on morbidity
and mortality. His outstanding record of scholarship has been recognized by numerous
national and international honors and awards, including membership in the American
Academy for the Advancement of Science, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences,
and the National Academy of Science. His colleagues and students recognize him as
a farsighted administrator, a visionary scholar, and a committed mentor to dozens
of students who are now leaders in understanding the role of social and psychological
factors in the etiology and course of health and illness.
The Regents now salute this distinguished teacher, scholar, and administrator by naming
James S. House, Angus Campbell Distinguished University Professor Emeritus of Survey
Research, Public Policy, and Sociology, professor emeritus of sociology, research
scientist emeritus, epidemiology, and research professor emeritus.