Faculty Profile

David W. Hutton, PhD
- Professor, Health Management and Policy, School of Public Health
- Professor, Global Public Health, School of Public Health
- Professor, Industrial and Operations Engineering, College of Engineering
David Hutton holds a PhD from Stanford's department of Management Science and Engineering with a focus on health policy modeling. Prior to joining Stanford's PhD program, David worked for a consulting company that focused on mathematical modeling and for several silicon valley software companies. David's current research is focused on health policy and medical decision making, in particular the use of mathematical models to assist with the allocation of resources for health. His research and influence on national and international hepatitis B policy earned him the first place prize in the "Doing Good with Good OR student paper competition" from the Institute for Operations Research and Management Science. He has served as a consultant, advisor, and/or collaborator with the World Health Organization, the US Department of Health and Human Services, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
- PhD, Management Science and Engineering, Stanford University, 2010
- MS, Industrial Engineering, Stanford University, 1999
- BS, Industrial Engineering, Stanford University, 1998
- BA, Economics, Stanford University, 1998
Cost-effectiveness analysis:
I am interested in evaluating the cost-effectiveness of new public health policies
and the use of new drugs and devices. I am interested in interventions with uncertain
or complex outcomes. Specifically, I have conducted cost-effectiveness analyses of
infectious disease interventions, chronic disease interventions, and analyses of new
drugs and devices.
Patient education and decision-making: breast cancer
Kim DD, Hutton DW, Raouf AA, Salama M, Hablas A, Seifeldin IA, Soliman AS. Cost-effectiveness model for Hepatitis C Screening and treatment: Implications for Egypt and other countries with high prevalence. Global Public Health; 2015. 10(3):296-317.
Hutton DW, Newman-Casey PA, Tavag M, Zachs D, Stein JD (2014). Switching To Less Expensive Blindness Drug Could Save Medicare Part B $18 Billion Over A Ten-Year Period. Health Affairs 931-939.
Khazeni N, Hutton DW, Collins I, Garber AM, Owens DK (2014). Health and Economic Benefits of Early Vaccination for a Human Influenza A (H7N9) Pandemic. Annals of Internal Medicine 684-694.
Stein JD, Newman-Casey PA, Tavag M, Lee PP, Hutton DW (2014). Cost-Effectiveness of Bevacizumab and Ranibizumab for Newly Diagnosed Neovascular. Macular Degeneration Ophthalmology 936-45.
Stein JD, Newman-Casey PA, Kim DD, Nwanyanwu KH, Johnson MW, Hutton DW (2013). Cost-Effectiveness of Various Interventions for Newly Diagnosed Diabetic Macular Edema. Ophthalmology 56-69.
Hutton DW (April, 2013). Review of Operations Research Tools and Techniques Used for Pandemic Influenza Planning In G.S. Zaric (Ed.) Operations Research and Health Care Policy. Springer Publishers
Email: [email protected]
Office: 734-936-1214
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Ann Arbor, MI 48109
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Areas of Expertise: Health Policy, Modeling