Faculty Profile

Christine L.M. Joseph, PhD, MPH, BSc
- Adjunct Associate Research Scientist, Epidemiology
- Epidemiologist, Department of Public Health Sciences, Henry Ford Health System
- Director, HFHS Health Disparities Research Collaborative
Dr. Joseph received a Master of Science Degree in Epidemiology from the University
of Michigan School of Public Health, after which she joined the Henry Ford Health
System (HFHS) Department of Biostatistics and Research Epidemiology (renamed Department
of Public Health Sciences). While working at HFHS, she obtained a PhD in Epidemiology
from the University of Michigan (UM). Her research interests include racial/ethnic
health disparities, asthma, IgE as it relates to allergies and asthma, adolescent
health, adherence, and school-based health management. She has served as Principal
Investigator of a series of NIH-funded studies in the development, implementation,
and evaluation of a school-based, tailored asthma education program for urban adolescents.
Dr. Joseph also serves as co-investigator on several NIH-funded studies involving
the establishment of a multi-ethnic birth cohort for the study of allergic disease.
As an adjunct associate research scientist through a joint appointment to the Departments
of Epidemiology and Health Behavior/Health Education, she collaborates with UM School
of Public Health researchers on urban, school and clinic-based asthma intervention
studies. Dr. Joseph serves as a member of the asthma/COPD Measurement Advisory Panel
for the National Committee for Quality Assurance. She has served as Chair of the Committee
on the Underserved for the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology and
continues to serve on State committees for asthma surveillance and epidemiology and
on the elimination of racial disparities in asthma.
- PhD, Epidemiology, University of Michigan, 1994
- MPH, Epidemiology, University of Michigan, 1985
- BSc, Zoology, Microbiology, Ohio State University, 1979
Racial/ethnic health disparities, asthma, IgE as it relates to allergies and asthma,
adolescent health, adherence, and school-based health management.
Joseph, C.L.M., Zoratti, E.M., Ownby, D.R., Havstad, S., Nicholas, C., Nageotte, C., Misiak, R.,
Enberg, R., Ezell, J., Johnson, C.C. Exploring racial differences in IgE-mediated food allergy in the WHEALS birth cohort. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology 2016; 116(3), pp.219-224.
Guglani, L., Booza, J., Havstad, S.L., Joseph, C.L.M. Usefulness of a home affluence scale administered to urban adolescents with asthma to estimate the family's socioeconomic status. Annals of Epidemiology 2015; 25(11): 855-860. PMID: 26303617
Joseph, C.L.M., Havstad, S., Bobbitt, K., Woodcroft, K., Zoratti, E.M., Nageotte, C., Misiak, R., Enberg, R., Nicholas, C., Ezell, J.M., Ownby, D.R., Johnson, C.C. Transforming growth factor beta (TGFβ1) in breast milk and indicators of infant atopy in a birth cohort. Pediatric Allergy Immunology 2014 Feb 13. PMID 24520941
Joseph, C.L.M., Ownby, D.R., Havstad, S.L., Saltzgaber, J., Considine, S., Johnson, D., Peterson, E., Alexander, G., Lu, M., Gibson-Scipio, W., Johnson, C.C. Evaluation of a web-based asthma management intervention program for urban teenagers: Reaching the hard to reach. Journal of Adolescent Health 2013; 52(4): 419-26.
Joseph, C.L.M., Ownby, D.R., Havstad, S.L., Woodcroft, K.J., Wegienka, G., MacKechnie, H., Zoratti, E., Peterson, E.L., Johnson, C.C. Early complementary feeding and risk of food sensitization in a birth cohort. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2011; 127(5): 1203-1210. PMID: 21458850
Joseph, C.L.M., Havstad, S.L., Johnson, D., Saltzgaber, J., Peterson, E.L., Resnicow, K., Ownby, D.R., Baptist, A., Johnson, C.C., Strecher, V. Factors associated with non-response to a computer tailored asthma management program for urban adolescents with asthma. Journal of Asthma 2010 Aug; 47(6):667-73. PMID: 20642376
Joseph, C.L.M., Williams, L.K., Ownby, D.R., Saltzgaber, J., Johnson, C.C. (2006). Applying epidemiologic concepts of primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention to the elimination of racial disparities in asthma. Invited Review. Journal Allergy Clinical Immunology 233-240.
Guglani, L., Booza, J., Havstad, S.L., Joseph, C.L.M. Usefulness of a home affluence scale administered to urban adolescents with asthma to estimate the family's socioeconomic status. Annals of Epidemiology 2015; 25(11): 855-860. PMID: 26303617
Joseph, C.L.M., Havstad, S., Bobbitt, K., Woodcroft, K., Zoratti, E.M., Nageotte, C., Misiak, R., Enberg, R., Nicholas, C., Ezell, J.M., Ownby, D.R., Johnson, C.C. Transforming growth factor beta (TGFβ1) in breast milk and indicators of infant atopy in a birth cohort. Pediatric Allergy Immunology 2014 Feb 13. PMID 24520941
Joseph, C.L.M., Ownby, D.R., Havstad, S.L., Saltzgaber, J., Considine, S., Johnson, D., Peterson, E., Alexander, G., Lu, M., Gibson-Scipio, W., Johnson, C.C. Evaluation of a web-based asthma management intervention program for urban teenagers: Reaching the hard to reach. Journal of Adolescent Health 2013; 52(4): 419-26.
Joseph, C.L.M., Ownby, D.R., Havstad, S.L., Woodcroft, K.J., Wegienka, G., MacKechnie, H., Zoratti, E., Peterson, E.L., Johnson, C.C. Early complementary feeding and risk of food sensitization in a birth cohort. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2011; 127(5): 1203-1210. PMID: 21458850
Joseph, C.L.M., Havstad, S.L., Johnson, D., Saltzgaber, J., Peterson, E.L., Resnicow, K., Ownby, D.R., Baptist, A., Johnson, C.C., Strecher, V. Factors associated with non-response to a computer tailored asthma management program for urban adolescents with asthma. Journal of Asthma 2010 Aug; 47(6):667-73. PMID: 20642376
Joseph, C.L.M., Williams, L.K., Ownby, D.R., Saltzgaber, J., Johnson, C.C. (2006). Applying epidemiologic concepts of primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention to the elimination of racial disparities in asthma. Invited Review. Journal Allergy Clinical Immunology 233-240.
Email: [email protected]
Office: 313-874-6366
Fax: 313-874-6730
Address: Henry Ford Health System
One Ford Place, 3E
Detroit, Michigan 48202
Office: 313-874-6366
Fax: 313-874-6730
Address: Henry Ford Health System
One Ford Place, 3E
Detroit, Michigan 48202
Areas of Expertise: Child Health, Racism