Faculty Profile

Jersey Liang, PhD
- Professor, Health Management and Policy
- Professor, Global Public Health
- Research Professor, Institute of Gerontology
Jersey Liang specializes in comparative social gerontology and medical sociology. As a fellow of the Gerontological Society of America, Dr. Liang has received two National Institute on Aging MERIT awards. He was the editor for Social Sciences, Journal of Gerontology, and has served on study sections at the National Institutes of Health and the editorial boards of a number of professional journals. He was a visiting scientist at numerous institutions in East Asia including Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology, University of Tokyo, National Taiwan University, Chung Gung University, Peking University, and Wuhan University.
- PhD, Sociology, Wayne State University, 1978
Liang's current research centers around four major themes: (a) quality of life at the individual and population levels, (b) dynamic models of health and health care in old age, and (c) living arrangements and family-based support in later life, and (d) comparative analysis of geriatric care management and policy. Since the mid-1980s, Liang has been actively involved in studies of aging and health through which he and his colleagues have established several longitudinal databases of older adults in the United States, Japan, Taiwan, and China. In addition, he has collaborated on research related to racial disparities in oral health among older Americans, health behaviors among older adults in the U.S. and Japan, work and retirement in family context, and multidisciplinary treatment innovations for hip fracture among older Taiwanese.
Wang, H.P., Liang, J., Kuo, L.M. and Shyu, Y.L. (2017). Trajectories of nutritional status and cognitive impairment among older Taiwanese with hip fracture. Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging (in press).
Vogelsang, E.M., Raymo, J.M., Liang, J., Kobayashi, E. and Fukaya, T. (2017). Population aging and health trajectories at older ages. Journals of Gerontology: Social Sciences (in press).
Shyu, YI.L., Kuo, L.M. and Liang, J. (2016). A randomised controlled trial of a home-based training programme to decrease depression in family caregivers of persons with dementia. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 73(3): 585-598.
Cigolle, C., Nagel, C., Blaum, C.S. and Liang, J., and Quinones, A.M. (2016). Inconsistency in the self-report of chronic diseases in panel surveys: developing an adjudication method for the Health and Retirement Study. Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences (in press).
Murayama, H., Liang, J., Bennett, J.M., Shaw, B.A., Botoseneanu, A., Kobayashi, E., Fukaya, T., and Shinkai, S. (2015). Trajectories of Body Mass Index and their associations with mortality among older Japanese: Do they differ from Western populations? American Journal of Epidemiology. 182(7): 597-605.
Xu,X., Liang, J., Bennett, J.M., Botoseneanu, A., Allore,H.G.(2015). Socioeconomic stratification and multidimensional health trajectories: Evidence of convergence in later old age. Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences. 70(4): 661-671.
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