Faculty Profile

Kate Manz, Ph.D.
- Assistant Professor, Environmental Health Sciences
Dr. Manz’s research and teaching interests are in environmental chemistry, including (A) understanding natural chemical transformation in the environment, (B) developing remediation technologies to minimize pollutant exposure, and (C) discovering previously unidentified environmental exposures in humans. Her research team utilizes state-of-the-art analytical chemistry techniques, such as high-resolution mass spectrometry, to monitor chemical transformation in groundwater and soils and to develop new techniques to assess total exposure. In addition to using these techniques to identify new exposures, Dr. Manz is interested in understanding the molecular mechanisms, or metabolisms, that are impacted due to chemical exposure in humans and the environment.
- PhD, Energy Science and Engineering, University of Tennessee, 2018
- MS, Environmental Engineering, University of Tennessee, 2016
- BS, Chemistry and Psychology, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2013
Research Interests: Water Quality, Groundwater, Exposure Assessment, Environmental Chemistry, Exposome, Metabolome
- K. E. Manz, A. Feerick, J. M. Braun, Y. Feng, A. Hall, J. Koelmel, C. Manzano, S. R. Newton, K. D. Pennell, B. J. Place, K. J. Godri Pollitt, C. Prasse, and J. A. Young. (2023). “Non-targeted analysis (NTA) and suspect screening analysis (SSA): a review of examining the chemical exposome” Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology. 33: 524–536
- K. E. Manz, R. E. Dodson, Y. Liu, L. Scheidl, S. Burks, F. Dunn, R. Gairola, N. F. Lee, E. D. Walker, K. D. Pennell, and J. M. Braun. (2023). “Effects of Corsi-Rosenthal boxes on indoor air contaminants: non-targeted analysis using high resolution mass spectrometry” Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology. 33: 537–54.
- K. E. Manz, I. Kulaots, C.A. Greenley, P. Landry, K.V. Lakshmi, M. Woodcock, L. Hellerich, D. Bryant, M. Apfelbaum, and K. D. Pennell. (2023). “Low-temperature persulfate activation by powdered activated carbon for simultaneous destruction of perfluorinated carboxylic acids and 1, 4-dioxane,” Journal Hazardous Materials 442: 129966
- Yan, S. Dong, K. E. Manz, C. Liu, M. Woodcock, M. P. Mezzari, L. M. Abriola, K.D. Pennell, and N.L. Cápiro. (2022). “Biotransformation of 8:2 Fluorotelomer Alcohol in Soil from Aqueous Film-Forming Foams (AFFFs)-impacted Sites under Nitrate-, Sulfate-, and Iron-reducing Conditions,” Environmental Science & Technology. 56 (19): 13728-13739
- K. E. Manz, K. Yamada, L. Scheidl, M.A. La Merrill, L. Lind, and K.D. Pennell. (2022). “Development of sample extraction methods for targeted and non-targeted detection of trace organic chemicals for exposure assessment,” Toxicological Sciences 185(1): 77-88.
- K. E. Manz, A.M. Palomino, H. Cyr, and K. E. Carter. (2021). “Shale particle interactions with organic and inorganic hydraulic fracturing additives,” Applied Geochemistry 127: 104901.
Email: [email protected]
Office Phone: 734-647-2977
Address: M6242 SPH II
1415 Washington Heights
Ann Arbor MI 48109
For media inquiries: [email protected]
Areas of Expertise: Air Quality, Child Health, Environmental Health, Maternal Health, Precision Health, Reproductive Health, Water Quality