Faculty Profile

Peter Meier

Peter Meier, PhD

  • Emeritus Professor of Environmental Health Sciences

    • PhD, Environmental Health Sciences, University of Michigan, 1970
    • MS, Environmental Health Sciences (Water Quality), University of Michigan, 1969
    • MPH, Environmental Health Sciences, University of Michigan, 1965
    • MA, Biology, Central Michigan University, 1964
    • BA, Zoology, University of Michigan, Flint, 1962

    The impacts of pollution on the aquatic environment and their potential implications on human health. Closely related areas are aquatic toxicology and aquatic entomology. Specializing in aquatic ecology which includes design, collection, analyses and interpretation of data. Research interest are related to the impact of contaminants on the aquatic community; biogenic transport of sedimented contaminants into the water column; habitat and ecological assessment resulting from hazardous discharges; biomonitoring and aquatic toxicity bioassays utilizing both solid and suspended phase testing. Also, bacterial and algal interactions related to nutrient recycling.

    Meier, P.G., Choi, K., Sweet, L.I. (2000). Acute and chronic life stage toxicity of acenaphthene and 2,4,6-trichlorophenol to the midge Paratanytarsus sp. (Diptera: Chironomidae). Aquatic Toxicology In Press.

    Choi, K. Zong, M. and Meier, P.G. (2000). Application of a fish DNA damage assay as a biological toxicity screening tool for metal plating wastewater. Env Tox and Chem 242-247.

    Choi, K. and Meier, P.G. (2000). Implication of chemistry-based effluent regulation in assessing DNA damage in fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) when exposed to metal plating wastewater. Bull of Env Contamination and Tox 716-722.

    Sweet, L.I., Passino-Reader, D.R., Meier, P.G. and Omann, G.M. (1999). Xenobiotic-induced apoptosis: significance and potential application as a general biomarker of response. Biomarkers 237-253.

    Ross, P., Burton Jr., G. A., Greene, M., Ho, K., Meier, P.G. and Sweet, L.I. (1999). Interlaboratory precision study of a whole sediment toxicity test with the lumniescent bacterium V. fischeri. Env Tox and Water Quality. Env Tox and Water Quality.

    Email: [email protected] 
    Phone: 734-717-3013

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    Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-2029