Faculty Profile

Edward C Norton, PhD
- UnitedHealthcare Professor of Health Care Management
- Professor, Health Management and Policy
- Professor, Economics
His research interests in health economics include econometrics, long-term care and aging, and pay-for-performance. He was the Director of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundatioin Scholars in Health Policy Research at the University of Michigan. In 2003, before coming to Michigan, he taught at UNC at Chapel Hill and at Harvard Medical School. In 2018 he won the School of Public Health Excellence in Research Award at the University of Michigan.
- PhD, MIT, 1990
- AB, Princeton University, 1986
Health economics, econometrics, long-term care and aging, and pay-for-performance.
Research Projects:
Michigan Value Collaborative
Center to Accelerate Population Research on Alzheimer's
Center for Healthcare Outcomes and Policy
Mullahy, J. and Norton, E.C. 2024. Why transform Y? The pitfalls of transformed regressions with a mass at zero. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 86(2):417-447. A previous version
appeared as NBER Working Paper #30735.
Norton, E.C., E.J. Lawton, J. Li. 2023. Moneyball in Medicare: Heterogeneous treatment effects American Journal of Health Economics 9(1):96-126.
Norton, E.C., J. Li, A. Das, L.M. Chen. 2018. Moneyball in Medicare. Journal of Health Economics 61:259-273. A previous version appeared as NBER Working paper #22371. PMCID: PMC5794630.
Norton, E.C. and B.E. Dowd. 2018. Log odds and the interpretation of logit models. Health Services Research 53(2):859878. PMCID: PMC5867187.
Deb, P, E.C. Norton, and W.G. Manning. 2017. Health Econometrics Using Stata. College Station, TX: Stata Press.
Ai, C. and E.C. Norton. 2003. Interaction Terms in Logit and Probit Models. Economics Letters 80(1):123129.
Email: [email protected]
Office: 734-615-5738
1415 Washington Heights
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
For media inquiries: [email protected]
Areas of Expertise: Aging, Health Care, Health Economics