Faculty Profile

Arthur Oleinick, MD, JD, MPH
- Associate Professor Emeritus, Environmental Health Sciences
Dr. Oleinick teaches courses in occupational health law. These courses include material on the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), the right to refuse unsafe/unhealthy work under other federal laws, workers'compensation and the Americans with Disabilities Act, the last as it relates to the ability to work. He also teaches a course on risk management in the occupational and environmental areas. In addition, he teaches a course that illustrates the process by which science is incorporated into policy-making. Dr. Oleinick's research combines his medical, scientific and legal training. He is currently the Principal Investigator on a grant funded by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Centers for Disease Control. The study's objective is to identify factors associated with the frequency and outcome, as measured by lost work-time, of work-related injuries in the trucking industry. The study is multidisciplinary and involves colleagues in the University's Transportation Research Institute, Biostatistics and the Center for Statistical Consultation and Research.
- JD, Lewis and Clark College, 1978
- MD, Johns Hopkins University, 1962
- MPH in Biostatistics, University of Michigan, 1959
- BA in English, University of Michigan, 1957
Research Interests:
Recent research has focused on identifying factors that affect the duration of missed
work-time following work injuries and medical utilization for such injuries. The work
uses various generalized linear models to model population-based data derived from
linking a variety of separate databases. Curricular responsibilities include areas
of occupational health law, including workers' compensation, workplace rights of the
disabled, age, gender or race discrimination based on ability to do the job and occupational
safety and health law.
Research Projects:
Trucking Firm Characteristics, Drive Injury and Outcome Sponsor: CDC
Gluck, J.V., Guire, K.E. and Oleinick, A. (1998). Incidence of compensable back sprains/strains by age, gender and occuaptional or industry: Does it relate to return-to-work experience? Spine 1572-1587.
Oleinick, A., Gluck, J.V. and Guire, K.E. (1998). Diagnostic and treatment procedures of compensable back injuries without serious associated injuries: modeling of the 1991 injury cohort from a major compensation insurer. Spine 93-110.
Oleinick, A., Gluck, J.V. and Guire, K.E. (1996). Concordance between ANSI back injury codes and claim file diagnoses and a lower bound estimate of the fraction with occupational disc herniation. Amer J Ind Med 556-568.
Oleinick, A., Gluck, J.V. and Guire, K.E. (1996). Factors affecting first return to work following a compensable occupational back sprain/strain. Amer J Ind Med 540-555.
Oleinick, A., Gluck, J.V. and Guire, K.E. (1995). Establishment size and risk of occupational injury. Amer J Ind Med 1-21.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 734-665-7693