Faculty Profile

Celeste Leigh Pearce

Celeste Leigh Pearce, PhD, MPH

  • Professor, Epidemiology

Professor, Department of Epidemiology, University of Michigan School of Public Health, September 2021-present

Associate Professor, Department of Epidemiology, University of Michigan School of Public Health, September 2014-September 2021

Assistant Professor, Department of Preventive Medicine, University of Southern California School of Medicine, July 2008-August 2014

  • PhD, University of Southern California, 2002
  • MPH, University of Michigan, 1995

Etiology and Prevention of Ovarian and Breast Cancers

Pearce, C.L., Rossing, M.A., Lee, A.W., Ness, R.B., Webb, P.M., for Australian Cancer Study (Ovarian Cancer); Australian Ovarian Cancer Study Group, et. al. (2013). Combined and Interactive Effects of Environmental and GWAS- Identified Risk Factors in Ovarian Cancer. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention 880-90.

Shen, H., Fridley, B.L., Song, H., Lawrenson, K., Cunningham, J.M., Ramus, S.J., Cicek, M.S., Tyrer, J., Stram, D., Larson, M.C., Kobel, M.; PRACTICAL Consortium,... Pharoah, P.D., Laird, P.W., Goode, E.L., Pearce, C.L.. (2013). Epigenetic analysis leads to identification of HNF1B as a subtype-specific susceptibility gene for ovarian cancer. Nature Communications 1628.
Hovanessian-Larsen, L., Taylor, D., Spicer, D.V., Press, M.F., Wu, A.W., Pike, M.C., Pearce, C.L. (2012). Lowering oral contraceptive norethrindrone dose increases estrogen and progesterone receptor levels with no reduction in proliferation of breast epithelium: a randomized trial. Contraception 238-43.

Pearce, C.L., Templeman, C., Rossing, M.A., Lee, A., Near, A.M., Webb, P.M., Nagle, C.M., Doherty, J.A., et. al. (2012). Association between endometriosis and risk of histological subtypes of ovarian cancer: a pooled analysis of case-control studies The Lancet Oncology 385-94.

Campan, M., Moffitt, M., Houshdaran, S., Shen, H., Widschwendter, M., Daxenbichler, G., Long, T., Marth, C., Laird-Offringa IA, Press MF, Dubeau L, Siegmund KD, Wu AH, Groshen S, Chandavarkar U, Roman LD, Berchuck A, Pearce, C.L., Laird, P.W. (2011). Genome-scale screen for DNA methylation-based detection markers for ovarian cancer PLoS One e28141.

Email: lpearce@umich.edu 

Office: 734-764-3835

Fax: 734-764-3192

Address: 3632 SPH I
1415 Washington Heights
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109

For media inquiries: sph.media@umich.edu

Areas of Expertise: Cancer,  Women’s Health