Faculty Profile

Julia Richards

Julia E. Richards, PhD

  • Harold F. Falls Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences Professor Emeritus, Epidemiology
  • Professor Emeritus, Epidemiology
  • Director, Glaucoma Research Center

Julia E. Richards, Ph.D., Harold F. Falls Collegiate Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, professor of ophthalmology and visual sciences, Medical School, and professor of epidemiology, School of Public Health, retired from active faculty status on October 31, 2017.

Professor Richards received her B.S. (1971) degree from the University of Washington and her Ph.D. (1983) degree from the University of Wisconsin. She joined the University of Michigan faculty as an assistant professor of epidemiology in 1989, and was promoted to associate professor in 1998, and professor in 2007. Professor Richards held several additional appointments in the Medical School's Department of Ophthalmology, including assistant research scientist, senior associate research scientist, associate professor, and professor. She was named the Harold F. Falls Collegiate Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences in 2009.

Professor Richards is internationally recognized for her research in ophthalmic genetics. Her earliest work included the cloning of some of the first single copy mammalian genes in the early days of molecular biology. The main body of her work led to the identification of many genetic risk factors, genes, and pathways involved in human eye diseases. Professor Richards, with R.S. Hawley, published two editions of The Human Genome: A User's Guide (2005 and 2011) in the course of her public health genetics teaching and curriculum work in the School of Public Health. She authored more than 100 research articles, 20 book chapters, and 120 meeting abstracts. Professor Richards' proposal title, "Fountains of Youth for the Eye," was the winning entry for the National Eye Institute's Audacious Goals Challenge in 2013. She was inducted into the Medical School's League of Research Excellence in 2011.

The Regents now salute this distinguished faculty member by naming Julia E. Richards, professor emerita of ophthalmology and visual sciences and professor emerita of epidemiology.