Faculty Profile

Christine Stead, MHSA
- CEO, Extracorporeal Life Support Organization
- Adjunct Faculty, Health Management and Policy
Christine has spent her career in roles that strive to improve the lives of others:
healthcare, education, and in community-based non-profit organizations. Christine
aims to create opportunity, inspire change, and support the teams and people around
her so that more is possible.
As CEO in a global non-profit for life support, she works hard to improve access,
policy, and outcomes. Global challenges are a great opportunity to bring people together,
showcase the strengths each bring, and work on tactics so we can see change come to
life. Christine is a strong advocate for diversity and the benefits that diverse experiences
bring to authentic shared experiences, trust, and the tactics to move the bar.
- MHSA, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 2000
- BS, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1995
Christine speaks and publishes on critical care medicine, especially extracorporeal life support. Her work is based on the work of her global non-profit, the Extracorporeal Life Support Organization, and what the ELSO patient registry yields in terms of scientific knowledge to advance care for the sickest patients.
Research Projects:
Critical care medicine and extracorporeal life support
Health access and equity for critically ill patients
Barbaro, R.P., MacLaren, G., Boonstra, P.S., Combes, A., Agerstrand, C., Annich, G., Diaz, R., Fan, E., Hryniewicz, K., Lorusso, R., Paden, M.L., Stead, C.M., Swol, J., Iwashyna, T.J., Slutsky, A.S., Brodie, D. (2021). Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for COVID-19: evolving outcomes from the international Extracorporeal Life Support Organization Registry. The Lancet; 398: 1230 - 38. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(21)01960-7
Contributing to: Barbaro, R.P., MacLaren, G., Boonstra, P.S., Iwashyna, T.J., Slutsky, A.S., Fan, E., Bartlett, R.H., Tonna, J.E., Hyslop, R., Fanning, J.J., Rycus, P.T., Hyer, S.J., Anders, M.M., Agerstrand, C.L., Hryniewicz, K., Diaz, R., Lorusso, R., Combes, A., Brodie, D. (2020) Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support in COVID-19: an international cohort study of the Extracorporeal Life Support Organization registry. The Lancet; 398, 10257: 1071-1078. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(20)32008-0
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
Cell: 734-717-2493
3001 Miller Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Areas of Expertise: COVID-19, Global Public Health, Health Care, Health Equity, Health Policy, Nutrition, Public Health Practice, Women’s Health