Faculty Profile

Xiaoquan (William) Wen, PhD
- Professor, Biostatistics
Xiaoquan (William) Wen received his PhD in Statistics from the University of Chicago in 2011 and joined the faculty at the University of Michigan in the same year. His research centers on developing Bayesian and computational statistical methods to answer interesting scientific questions arising from genetics and genomics.
- PhD, Statistics, University of Chicago, 2011
- MS, Computer Science, University of Illinois, 2002
- MS, Mathematics, University of Illinois, 2001
Cynthia A Kalita, Christopher D Brown, Andrew Freiman, Jenna Isherwood, Xiaoquan Wen, Roger Pique-Regi, Francesca Luca (2018). High-throughput characterization of genetic effects on DNA-protein binding and gene transcription. Genome Research 25(11): 1701-1708.
Matthew T Patrick, Philip E Stuart, Kalpana Raja, Johann E Gudjonsson, Trilokraj Tejasvi, Jingjing Yang, Vinod Chandran, Sayantan Das, Kristina Callis-Duffin, Eva Ellinghaus, Charlotta Enerback, Tonu Esko, Andre Franke, Hyun M Kang, Gerald G Krueger, Henry W Lim, Proton Rahman, Cheryl F Rosen, Stephan Weidinger, Michael Weichenthal, Xiaoquan Wen, John J Voorhees, Goncalo R Abecasis, Dafna D Gladman, Rajan P Nair, James T Elder, Lam C Tsoi (2018) Genetic signature to provide robust risk assessment of psoriatic arthritis development in psoriasis patients. Nature Communications 9(1): 4178.
Eric R Gamazon, Ayellet V Segre, Martijn van de Bunt, Xiaoquan Wen, Hualin S Xi, Farhad Hormozdiari, Halit Ongen, Anuar Konkashbaev, Eske M Derks, Francois Aguet, Jie Quan, Dan L Nicolae, Eleazar Eskin, Manolis Kellis, Gad Getz, Mark I McCarthy, Emmanouil T Dermitzakis, Nancy J Cox, Kristin G Ardlie (2018). Using an atlas of gene regulation across 44 human tissues to inform complex disease-and trait-associated variation. Nature Genetics 50(7): 956.
MT Patrick, PE Stuart, J Yang, K Raja, Y Yang, D Madu, T Tejasvi, JJ Voorhees, HM Kang, JE Gudjonsson, G Abecasis, RP Nair, X Wen, JT Elder, LC Tsoi (2018). 742 Identification of psoriasis-associated genes using genetically predicted transcriptomes Journal of Investigative Dermatology 138 (5): S126
Xiaoquan Wen (2018) A Unified View of False Discovery Rate Control: Reconciliation of Bayesian and Frequentist Approaches arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.05284
Anthony S Findley, Allison L Richards, Cristiano Petrini, Adnan Alazizi, Elizabeth Doman, Alexander G Shanku, Gordon O Davis, Nancy J Hauff, Yoram Sorokin, Xiaoquan Wen, Roger Pique-Regi, Francesca Luca (2018) Interpreting coronary artery disease risk through gene-environment interactions in gene regulation. bioRxiv 475483
Yeji Lee, Luca Francesca, Roger Pique-Regi, Xiaoquan Wen (2018). Bayesian Multi-SNP Genetic Association Analysis: Control of FDR and Use of Summary Statistics bioRxiv 316471
Cynthia A Kalita, Gregory A Moyerbrailean, Christopher Brown, Xiaoquan Wen, Francesca Luca, Roger Pique-Regi (2017). QuASAR-MPRA: accurate allele-specific analysis for massively parallel reporter assays Bioinformatics 34(5): 787-794
Xiaoquan Wen (2017). Robust Bayesian FDR control using Bayes factors, with applications to multi-tissue eQTL discovery Statistics in Biosciences 9(1): 24-49
Xiaoquan Wen, Roger Pique-Regi, Francesca Luca (2017) Integrating molecular QTL data into genome-wide genetic association analysis: Probabilistic assessment of enrichment and colocalization PLoS Genetics 13(3): e1006646
1415 Washington Heights
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2029
Phone: 734-764-6743
Email: [email protected]
For media inquiries: [email protected]
Areas of Expertise: Biostatistics