Faculty Profile

Robert A. Wolfe, PhD
- Professor Emeritus, Biostatistics
Robert Wolfe joined the faculty at the University of Michigan after receiving his PhD in statistics in 1978 from Stanford University. He has worked in various areas of statistics and biostatistics including failure time and survival analysis and medical applications in kidney disease and organ transplantation.
- PhD, Statistics, Stanford University, 1978
- MA, Mathematics, Stanford University, 1973
- BA, Mathematics, Oberlin College, 1968
Research Interests:
My research interests are focused on methods to study the mechanisms and associations
that underlie processes which unfold through time. Such methods include both aspects
of the design of experiments and of the analysis of data from experiments and surveys.
I am particularly interested in methods that help to disentangle complex sequences
of information related to the natural history of specific disease processes and their
Research Projects:
My recent collaborative work includes: (1) comparison of treatment modalities for
patients with end stage renal disease, and (2) evaluation of variability in hospital
admission rates among communities.
Huang, X. and Wolfe, R. A. (2002). A frailty model for informative censoring. Biometrics 510-520.
Wolfe R. A., Ashby, V.B., Milford, E.L., Ojo, A. O., Ettenger, R. E., Agodoa, L. Y. C., Held, P. J., Port, F. K. (1999). Patient survival for waitlisted dialysis versus cadaveric renal transplant patients in theUnited States. New England Journal of Medicine 1725-1730.
Lee S, Wolfe RA (1998). A simple test for independent censoring under the proportional hazards model. Biometrics 1176-82.
Wolfe, R. A., Wolfe, J. C., and Entsuah, A. R. (1997). Comparing speeds of effectiveness of two treatments. Psychopharmacology Bulletin 369-75.
Wolfe, R. A. and Strawderman, R. L. (1996). Logical and statistical fallacies in the use of the Cox regression model. American Journal of Kidney Disease 124-129.
Petroni, G.R. and Wolfe, R.A. (1994). A two-sample test for stochastic ordering with interval censored data. Biometrics.
Email: [email protected]
Office: 734-998-6611
Fax: 734-763-2215
Areas of Expertise: Biostatistics