Faculty Profile

Wen Ye, PhD
- Research Scientist, Biostatistics
- Assistant Director, SABER
- Associate Director of Method and Measurement Core, MCDTR
Wen joined the University of Michigan after she earned her doctoral degree in Biostatistics at the University of Michigan in 2006. Her research focuses on disease modeling using longitudinal analysis, survival data analysis, joint modeling, and microsimulation models.
- PhD, Biostatistics, University of Michigan, 2006
- MS, Pharmacology, University of Toledo, 1999
- BS, Physiology and Biophysics, Peking University, 1997
- Diabetes simulation model (Michigan Model for Diabetes)
- Endocrinology
- Childhood liver disease
- Disease history of rare diseases
- Tuberculosis
- Aging
- Longitudinal data analysis
- Multi-state survival data analysis
- Joint modeling of longitudinal and survival data
- Nonparametric regression
- Survival analysis in the presence of interval censoring and dependent censoring
Estella M Alonso, Wen Ye, Kieran Hawthorne, Veena Venkat, Kathleen M Loomes, Cara L Mack, Paula M Hertel, Saul J Karpen, Nanda Kerkar, Jean P Molleston, Karen F Murray, Rene Romero, Philip Rosenthal, Kathleen B Schwarz, Benjamin L Shneider, Frederick J Suchy, Yumirle P Turmelle, Kasper S Wang, Averell H Sherker, Ronald J Sokol, Jorge A Bezerra, John C Magee, ChiLDReN Network (2018). Impact of steroid therapy on early growth in infants with biliary atresia: the multicenter steroids in biliary atresia randomized trial The Journal of Pediatrics 202: 179-185 e4.
Veena L Venkat, Vicky Lee Ng, John C Magee, Wen Ye, Kieran Hawthorne, Sanjiv Harpavat, Karen F Murray, Kasper S Wang, Jean Pappas Molleston,
Henry C Lin, Lee Bass, Nisreen Soufi, Cara Lynn Mack, Jorge A Bezerra, Stephen L Guthery,
Averell H Sherker, Philip Rosenthal, Ronald J Sokol, Saul J Karpen (2018). Predictors
of Outcome in Children with Biliary Atresia Surviving with Native Liver at Two Years
of Age Hepatology 68: 10A-11A
Shihchen Kuo, Wen Ye, Justin Duong, William H Herman (2018). Are the favorable cardiovascular outcomes
of empagliflozin treatment explained by its effects on multiple cardiometabolic risk
factors? A simulation of the results of the EMPA-REG OUTCOME trial Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 141: 181-189
Phuc H Le, Alexander Chaitoff, Arthur McCullough, Wen Ye, William Herman, Michael B Rothberg (2018). ANTIDIABETIC DRUG USE AMONG US ADULTS WITH TYPE 2 DIABETES: A POPULATION-BASED ANALYSIS Journal of general Internal Medicine 33: S116.
Wen Ye, Michael R Narkewicz, Daniel H Leung, Wikrom Karnsakul, Karen F Murray, Estella M Alonso, John C Magee, Sarah Jane Schwarzenberg, Alexander Weymann, Jean P Molleston (2018) Variceal hemorrhage and adverse liver outcomes in patients with cystic fibrosis cirrhosis Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 66(1): 122-127.
Grace A Noppert, Mark L Wilson, Philippa Clarke, Wen Ye, Peter Davidson, Zhenhua Yang (2017). Race and nativity are major determinants of tuberculosis in the US: evidence of health disparities in tuberculosis incidence in Michigan, 2004-2012 BMC Public Health 17(1): 538.
Lee Bass, Wen Ye, Kieran Hawthorne, Daniel H Leung, Karen F Murray, Jean P Molleston, Rene Romero, Ronald J Sokol, Saul J Karpen, Philip Rosenthal, Kathleen Loomes, Kasper Wang, Robert H Squires, Jorge A Bezerra, Vicky L Ng, Stephen Guthery, John C Magee, Benjamin L Shneider (2018). 502-Natural History and Risk Factors for Variceal Hemorrhage in Biliary Atresia: Results of a Prospective Multi-Center Longitudinal Analysis Gastroenterology 154 (6): S-1092.
Simon C Ling, Wen Ye, Daniel H Leung, Alexander Weymann, Wikrom Karnsakul, Alvin J Freeman, John C Magee, Michael R Narkewicz (2017) Baseline liver echotexture in children with cystic fibrosis predicts changes over time in non-invasive biomarkers of fibrosis and portal hypertension Hepatology 66:77A-78A.
Binita M Kamath, Wen Ye, Nathan P Goodrich, Kathleen M Loomes, Rene Romero, James E Heubi, Daniel H Leung, Nancy B Spinner, David A Piccoli, Saul J Karpen, Jean P Molleston, Karen F Murray, Philip Rosenthal, Jeffrey Teckman, Kasper S Wang, Averell H Sherker, John C Magee (2017) Characteristics and outcomes of pediatric cholestasis in alagille syndrome in the modern era: results of a multi-centre prospective observational study Hepatology 66: 60A.
Daniel H Leung, Lisa G Sorensen, Wen Ye, Kieran Hawthorne, Binita M Kamath, Vicky L Ng, Kathleen M Loomes, Emily M Fredericks, Ronald J Sokol, James E Squires, Saul J Karpen, Jean P Molleston, James E Heubi, Karen F Murray, Kasper S Wang, Philip Rosenthal, Jeffrey Teckman, Averell H Sherker, John C Magee (2017). Neurocognitive status in Alagille Syndrome: Results of a Multi-Center Prospective Observational Study Hepatology 66:647A-648A.
M2515 SPH II
1415 Washington Heights
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2029
Phone: 734-615-9051
Fax: 734-763-2215
Email: [email protected]
For media inquiries: [email protected]
Areas of Expertise: Biostatistics