STATCOM Student Testimonials
Krithika Suresh (Biostatistics Ph.D Candidate)
"Working with Statcom gave me an opportunity to gain important collaboration experience. It introduced me to different fields of statistical applications and thus allowed me to learn and implement statistical methods that were not applicable to my dissertation or GSRA. The experience helped me continue to develop my skills as a statistician. It is very easy to get involved and participate in Statcom projects, and was rewarding to be able to help someone in the community answer their important research questions."
Rebecca Rothwell (Biostatistics Ph.D)
"STATCOM provided an opportunity for me to work on statistical problems outside of my immediate dissertation research. I enjoyed working collaboratively with other biostatistics students and faculty, while also taking on individual tasks. I developed hands-on skills for approaching real world statistical analysis and explaining this analysis to investigators."
Kelly Speth (Biostatistics Ph.D Student )
"Not only does STATCOM provide the opportunity for students to collaborate on projects and gain experience with real datasets and project communication, but it also provides a much-needed service to the community. Because STATCOM is a student-run organization, it does a good job of balancing the needs of community organizations and the demands of students' rigorous academic schedule. You've probably heard the phrase: "You get out of it what you put into it." This definitely applies. STATCOM can be as rich an experience as you want it to be!"
Adam Peterson (Biostatistics MS Student)
"STATCOM gave me a chance to put into practice what I had learned in theory. While giving me a chance to see the "real world" problems that confront so many applied statisticians, it gave me a chance to practice defining a collaborator's problem in statistical terms, as well as communicating the relevancy of statistical results in a real-world context. This connection between classroom knowledge and real-world practice has been invaluable to me in furthering my understanding of applied statistics."
Emily Morris (Biostatistics MS Student)
"STATCOM has been a great addition to my education here at Michigan. It provides a platform for me to apply skills learned while helping organizations in my own community. I have gained valuable experience collaborating and communicating statistical results to investigators outside the academic setting. Not only does STATCOM benefit my education, but working on projects is also a rewarding way to serve my community."
Tim NeCamp (Statistics PhD Student)
"As a statistician, I have acquired a unique set of skills that allow me to harness the power of data to solve important problems. Often times these skills are used in fields such as marketing and finance. Statcom provides a great opportunity to use data to help organizations focused on public good. It allows me to use my skills to help these organizations run more efficiently and answer important questions."