Maternal and Child Nutrition Certificate Requirements
Students are required to complete a minimum of 11 credit hours with a ‘B’ or better in each course to receive the certificate.
Students must have one (1) course in Public Health Approaches to Maternal and Child Nutrition:
- HBHED 634 Child and Health Development (Fall, 3 credits)
- NUTR/EHS 660 Environmental Epigenetics and Public Health (Winter, 2 credits)
Students must have two (2) courses in Foundations in Maternal and Child Nutrition:
- NUTR 540 Maternal and Child Nutrition (Winter, 2 credits)
- NUTR 510 Nutrition in the Life Cycle (Winter, 3 credits)
- NUTR 677 Physical Growth and Maturation (Fall, 2 credits)
Students must have one (1) course in Applications to Maternal and Child Health:
- EPID 673 Epidemiology of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (Winter, 2 credits)
- HBHED 540 Fundamentals of Reproductive Health (Winter, 3 credits)
- HBHED 614 Women’s Health and the Timing of Reproduction (Winter, 3-4 credits)
- HBHED 629 Families and Health (Winter, 3 credits)
- PHYSIOL 541 Mammalian Reproductive Physiology (Winter, 4 credits)
- NUTR593 Food Security, Policy, and Programs (Fall, 3 credits)
- NUTR650 Socio-Ecological Approaches To Child And Adolescent Nutrition (Winter, 3 Credits)