Telling Queer Stories
University of Michigan School of Public Health
1690 SPH I, 1415 Washington Heights Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2029
With queer rights and reproductive justice at the center of recent political debate, “Telling Queer Stories” offers techniques to use your voice to express yourself and empower those around you. Join us as we learn about how activists use storytelling as a tool for queer liberation, and how we can use the same techniques to express our own sexual and reproductive health stories. Whether it’s through prose, poetry, art, or more, we'll explore ways to reflect on the interactions between our bodies, identities, and communities and help you get started on telling your own story. We’ll have a short presentation to start, with an open workshop to follow. Supplies and dinner will be provided! Funded by the DEI Student Innovation Mini Grant. Sexual and Gender Diversity in Public Health

Telling Queer Stories

An LDC x SGDPH Collaborative Event

icon to add this event to your google calendarMarch 9, 2023
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
1690 SPH I
1415 Washington Heights
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2029
Sponsored by: Sexual and Gender Diversity in Public Health
Contact Information: Sexual and Gender Diversity in Public Health E-Board, [email protected]
This program or event is open to the alumni community


With queer rights and reproductive justice at the center of recent political debate, “Telling Queer Stories” offers techniques to use your voice to express yourself and empower those around you. Join us as we learn about how activists use storytelling as a tool for queer liberation, and how we can use the same techniques to express our own sexual and reproductive health stories. Whether it’s through prose, poetry, art, or more, we'll explore ways to reflect on the interactions between our bodies, identities, and communities and help you get started on telling your own story. We’ll have a short presentation to start, with an open workshop to follow. Supplies and dinner will be provided! Funded by the DEI Student Innovation Mini Grant.

Event Flyer for Telling Queer Stories