Request for Assistance


  • We are willing to help investigators who are Rogel Cancer Center members on their cancer related research.
  • The investigator requesting assistance should explain the project using the form below. The CDS-SR leadership will then assign an appropriate member to work with them.
  • For longer term assistance and collaboration the investigator is expected to write a statistician/analyst into their grant application or provide salary support through other means. CDS-SR personnel contributing to various projects are expected to be listed as co-authors on any publications resulting from their work
  • The investigator requesting assistance should contact the CDS-SR well in advance of any deadline. Recommended timelines that would significantly facilitate our planning process are 
    • Advance notice of 1 month towards meeting abstracts
    • 2-3 months towards manuscripts (biostatistical/bioinformatics analysis, figure preparation etc.)
    • 3-6 months for R01 submissions
    • 6-9 months for program projects (eg SPOREs, P01s)

Project Intake Form

Cancer Research Program Affiliation

Details of project
Type of Project (Please select best fit from provided choices)
Is this for a Paper or a Grant?

Additional Details
Has statistician been consulted for project to evaluate experimental design?

Do you need us to perform statistical analysis?

Data Specifics

Interested investigators who need assistance with cancer related research should contact:

Veera Baladandayuthapani, Director
Phone: 734-764-5702

Lauren Detzler, Program Assistant
Phone: 734-764-5450