Center for Evaluating Health Reform

Improving the Hospital-Acquired Condition Reduction Program through Rulemaking - Screenshot of HACRP Rulemaking Policy Brief

Difference-in-Differences for Evaluating Changes in Health Care Policy - Difference-in-Differences for Evaluating Changes in Health Care Policy

Effect of Pay-for-Performance in Primary Care on Mortality in the UK - Effect of Pay-for-Performance in Primary Care on Mortality in the UK

Changes in Hospital Quality Associated with Hospital Value-Based Purchasing - Changes in Hospital Quality Associated with Hospital Value-Based Purchasing

Facilitating Evaluation of CMS Policies - Facilitating Evaluation of CMS Policies

Incremental Effects of Antihypertensive Drugs - Incremental Effects of Antihypertensive Drugs

Risk Adjustment May Lessen Penalties On Hospitals Treating Complex Patients Under
Medicare's Bundled Payment - Risk Adjustment May Lessen Penalties On Hospitals Treating Complex Patients Under
Medicare's Bundled Payment

Coping with non-parallel trends using difference-in-differences analysis in health
policy - Coping with non-parallel trends using difference-in-differences analysis in health

How to Paper Sprint like CEHR - How to Paper Sprint like CEHR

Do effects of Medicare ACOs spill over to commercial patients? - Do effects of Medicare ACOs spill over to commercial patients?

Has the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) appropriately balanced incentives for
accountable care organizations (ACOs) to continue caring for high-risk beneficiaries? - Has the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) appropriately balanced incentives for
accountable care organizations (ACOs) to continue caring for high-risk beneficiaries?

CMS expansion of secondary diagnoses and incentives for health IT associated with
increases in measured severity - CMS expansion of secondary diagnoses and incentives for health IT associated with
increases in measured severity

Medicare Shared Savings Program not associated with greater relative reductions among
high-cost beneficiaries - Medicare Shared Savings Program not associated with greater relative reductions among
high-cost beneficiaries

Instrumental Variable Analysis suggests that Medical Shared Savings Program (MSSP)
not associated with spending reductions or quality improvement - Instrumental Variable Analysis suggests that Medical Shared Savings Program (MSSP)
not associated with spending reductions or quality improvement

The Hospital Acquired Conditions Reduction Program (HACRP) is not associated with
significant clinical improvements - The Hospital Acquired Conditions Reduction Program (HACRP) is not associated with
significant clinical improvements

Three Strategies to Motivate Providers to Manage High-Cost Patients and Limit Financial
Risk - Three Strategies to Motivate Providers to Manage High-Cost Patients and Limit Financial

CMS change in inpatient pneumonia coding does not explain HRRP readmission reduction - CMS change in inpatient pneumonia coding does not explain HRRP readmission reduction

The Hospital Acquired Conditions Reduction Program (HACRP) Is Not Associated with
Additional Improvement in Patient Safety - The Hospital Acquired Conditions Reduction Program (HACRP) Is Not Associated with
Additional Improvement in Patient Safety

Invalid measurement of patient safety will limit the ability of the CMS penalty program
to drive meaningful improvements in patient safety - Invalid measurement of patient safety will limit the ability of the CMS penalty program
to drive meaningful improvements in patient safety

Paper Sprints: Singular Focus, High Productivity - Paper Sprints: Singular Focus, High Productivity

Improving the Hospital-Acquired Condition Reduction Program through Rulemaking - Screenshot of HACRP Rulemaking Policy Brief

Difference-in-Differences for Evaluating Changes in Health Care Policy - Difference-in-Differences for Evaluating Changes in Health Care Policy

Effect of Pay-for-Performance in Primary Care on Mortality in the UK - Effect of Pay-for-Performance in Primary Care on Mortality in the UK

Changes in Hospital Quality Associated with Hospital Value-Based Purchasing - Changes in Hospital Quality Associated with Hospital Value-Based Purchasing

Facilitating Evaluation of CMS Policies - Facilitating Evaluation of CMS Policies

Incremental Effects of Antihypertensive Drugs - Incremental Effects of Antihypertensive Drugs

Risk Adjustment May Lessen Penalties On Hospitals Treating Complex Patients Under Medicare's Bundled Payment - Risk Adjustment May Lessen Penalties On Hospitals Treating Complex Patients Under Medicare's Bundled Payment

Coping with non-parallel trends using difference-in-differences analysis in health policy - Coping with non-parallel trends using difference-in-differences analysis in health policy

How to Paper Sprint like CEHR - How to Paper Sprint like CEHR

Do effects of Medicare ACOs spill over to commercial patients? - Do effects of Medicare ACOs spill over to commercial patients?

Has the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) appropriately balanced incentives for accountable care organizations (ACOs) to continue caring for high-risk beneficiaries? - Has the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) appropriately balanced incentives for accountable care organizations (ACOs) to continue caring for high-risk beneficiaries?

CMS expansion of secondary diagnoses and incentives for health IT associated with increases in measured severity - CMS expansion of secondary diagnoses and incentives for health IT associated with increases in measured severity

Medicare Shared Savings Program not associated with greater relative reductions among high-cost beneficiaries - Medicare Shared Savings Program not associated with greater relative reductions among high-cost beneficiaries

Instrumental Variable Analysis suggests that Medical Shared Savings Program (MSSP) not associated with spending reductions or quality improvement - Instrumental Variable Analysis suggests that Medical Shared Savings Program (MSSP) not associated with spending reductions or quality improvement

The Hospital Acquired Conditions Reduction Program (HACRP) is not associated with significant clinical improvements - The Hospital Acquired Conditions Reduction Program (HACRP) is not associated with significant clinical improvements

Three Strategies to Motivate Providers to Manage High-Cost Patients and Limit Financial Risk - Three Strategies to Motivate Providers to Manage High-Cost Patients and Limit Financial Risk

CMS change in inpatient pneumonia coding does not explain HRRP readmission reduction - CMS change in inpatient pneumonia coding does not explain HRRP readmission reduction

The Hospital Acquired Conditions Reduction Program (HACRP) Is Not Associated with Additional Improvement in Patient Safety - The Hospital Acquired Conditions Reduction Program (HACRP) Is Not Associated with Additional Improvement in Patient Safety

Invalid measurement of patient safety will limit the ability of the CMS penalty program to drive meaningful improvements in patient safety - Invalid measurement of patient safety will limit the ability of the CMS penalty program to drive meaningful improvements in patient safety

Paper Sprints: Singular Focus, High Productivity - Paper Sprints: Singular Focus, High Productivity