Come Thru: Mindfulness + Coloring
University of Michigan School of Public Health
Paul B. Cornely Community Room, 1680 SPH I, 1415 Washington Heights Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2029

Thank you to everyone who has shown up to our last few events, especially the Back-to-School Photos and our first ever Come Thru event. To those of you who took one of our many surveys - we heard you! Our next event is a direct result of all the amazing student feedback we received.

Please join us for a special edition of our Come Thru Series happening Tuesday, Sept 26. We will be in the Cornely Room from 1-2pm with snacks + coloring activities from Ricardo Levins Morales’ Art Studio. We chose these coloring sheets to continue to cultivate community, mindfulness, and radical visioning here at SPH. As the artist puts it, we hope these sheets “encourage the laughter, hope, love and anger that move us toward a better world. Many were made for and within the labor and social justice movements of our time."

Members of the DEI Team will also be available to chat with any community members who are interested in learning more about DEI at SPH, and how they can get involved. We encourage students, faculty, and staff to come through and join us!

SPH Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Leadership Team

Come Thru: Mindfulness + Coloring

icon to add this event to your google calendarSeptember 26, 2023
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Paul B. Cornely Community Room, 1680 SPH I
1415 Washington Heights
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2029
Sponsored by: SPH Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Leadership Team
Contact Information: SPH DEI Team,

Thank you to everyone who has shown up to our last few events, especially the Back-to-School Photos and our first ever Come Thru event. To those of you who took one of our many surveys - we heard you! Our next event is a direct result of all the amazing student feedback we received.

Please join us for a special edition of our Come Thru Series happening Tuesday, Sept 26. We will be in the Cornely Room from 1-2pm with snacks + coloring activities from Ricardo Levins Morales’ Art Studio. We chose these coloring sheets to continue to cultivate community, mindfulness, and radical visioning here at SPH. As the artist puts it, we hope these sheets “encourage the laughter, hope, love and anger that move us toward a better world. Many were made for and within the labor and social justice movements of our time."

Members of the DEI Team will also be available to chat with any community members who are interested in learning more about DEI at SPH, and how they can get involved. We encourage students, faculty, and staff to come through and join us!

Event Flyer for Come Thru: Mindfulness + Coloring