Free SPH Yoga
University of Michigan School of Public Health
G020 SPH II, 1415 Washington Heights Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2029

Free Student Yoga - In Person on Tuesdays from 9:00-9:30am SPH II G020

Classes are free and the style will vary to include vinyasa, hatha, and restorative yoga. Classes are open to all levels and no prior yoga experience is necessary.

Please bring your own mat if you have one. We have several available for those who need to borrow one.

Anyone who joins must complete a one-time waiver, available at:

Recorded sessions from past years are available at:

Join the Yoga Community Email Group Interested in staying in the yoga loop? Join the School of Public Health yoga community email group ([email protected]).

Students can opt-in or out at any time:

  1. go to MCommunity
  2. select "Login" and enter your uniqname and password
  3. search for and select "SPH Student Yoga"
  4. select "join" or "leave group"
Office for Student Engagement and Practice

Free SPH Yoga

Yoga for Beginners with Phoebe Kulik

icon to add this event to your google calendarDecember 31, 1969
9:00 am - 9:30 am
Recurs Weekly
1415 Washington Heights
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2029
Sponsored by: Office for Student Engagement and Practice
Contact Information: Phoebe Kulik, [email protected]

More Information & Registration

Free Student Yoga - In Person on Tuesdays from 9:00-9:30am SPH II G020

Classes are free and the style will vary to include vinyasa, hatha, and restorative yoga. Classes are open to all levels and no prior yoga experience is necessary.

Please bring your own mat if you have one. We have several available for those who need to borrow one.

Anyone who joins must complete a one-time waiver, available at:

Recorded sessions from past years are available at:

Join the Yoga Community Email Group Interested in staying in the yoga loop? Join the School of Public Health yoga community email group ([email protected]).

Students can opt-in or out at any time:

  1. go to MCommunity
  2. select "Login" and enter your uniqname and password
  3. search for and select "SPH Student Yoga"
  4. select "join" or "leave group"