Environmental Toxicology and Epidemiology Training Grant

Supported by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, NIH

ETEP students at a poster sessionPredoctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowships

Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows with diverse interests and from diverse ethnic and racial backgrounds join the program to receive advanced trained in the specialized science of toxicology, often by engaging in research in areas quite different from their prior training experiences.

Graduates of the program have distinguished themselves in careers of service at academic institutions; in local, state, and federal agencies; and in private and non-profit organizations.


A training grant from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, NIH, provides predoctoral and postdoctoral fellowships to citizens or non-citizen nationals of the United States, or to individuals with legal permanent residence status in the United States. These NIH fellowships provide monthly stipends and health insurance and are awarded on the basis of academic preparation, letters of recommendation and interest in the training program objective of transdisciplinary research that bridges mechanistic toxicology and environmental molecular epidemiology with applications to human disease prevention.

Academic Preparation

The predoctoral program accepts applicants with bachelor's or master's degrees. Academic preparation typically includes coursework in biology, chemistry (through organic), biochemistry, physics, and calculus. Experience working in a research laboratory is desirable. Graduate students must be enrolled in a doctoral training program in the Department of Environmental Health Sciences of the University of Michigan.

The postdoctoral program accepts applicants with a PhD, MD, DVM, or equivalent advanced degree in a relevant science field. Candidates must have completed all requirements for the PhD or equivalent advanced degree prior to initiating the fellowship.

Application Procedure

Predoctoral Fellowships

Applications for predoctoral fellowships are accepted from predoctoral students enrolled in a doctoral training program of the Department of Environmental Health Sciences. Eligible applicants are identified during the review of applications. ETEP will not be awarding funding to new students during the 2025-2026 academic year; however, applicants who wish to be considered for these fellowships are encouraged to express this desire in their applications

Postdoctoral Fellowships

Applicants are encouraged to review the training program faculty and contact those whose research is of interest. If the applicant has not identified a faculty mentor, we will match an appropriate faculty member with the applicant. Postdoctoral fellowships are awarded only to candidates with an identified mentor.

Applications for training grant postdoctoral fellowships are accepted throughout the year and reviewed as fellowships become available.

Postdoctoral applications should include:

  • A cover letter from the applicant addressed to the program director (Dr. Stuart A. Batterman). The applicant should describe how the proposed research training will contribute to the applicant's career plans with specific reference to environmental health sciences and the training program objective of transdisciplinary research that bridges mechanistic toxicology and environmental molecular epidemiology with applications to human disease prevention.
  • A curriculum vitae.
  • A copy of graduate transcripts.
  • Three letters of recommendation.
  • A supporting letter from the proposed postdoctoral research training mentor that includes: a brief description of current research projects of interest and relevance to the applicant's postdoctoral training; relevance of the applicant's proposed research training to the objectives of NIEHS, and how the applicant's participation in this research is consistent with the training program objectives.


Inquiries and application materials should be sent by email, fax, or mail to:

Kaley James M.Ed, CHES
Environmental Toxicology and Epidemiology Program
Department of Environmental Health Sciences
1415 Washington Heights
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2029
Phone: 734-936-0749
Fax: 734-936-7283
Email: [email protected]