MI CReSS Data Reports

Michigan COVID-19 Recovery Surveillance Study Data Report 6: COVID-19 Stigma and Mental Health in Michigan - April 2023

  • More than one third (35.1%) of respondents reported experiencing COVID-19 stigma.
  • Among all respondents, 21.3% were afraid to disclose their COVID-19 diagnosis to friends
    or family. Among employed respondents, 16.1% were afraid to disclose their COVID-19
    diagnosis at work.
  • The prevalence of perceived COVID-19 stigma, fear of COVID-19 disclosure to friends or
    family, and fear of COVID-19 disclosure at work all decreased between 2020 and 2022.
  • Respondents who were females than males, younger than older, and non-White than non-Hispanic White were more likely to report perceived COVID-19 stigma and to be afraid to
    disclose their COVID-19 diagnosis to friends or family and at work.
  • Perceived COVID-19 stigma was more prevalent among respondents with lower household
    income than those with higher income, employed than unemployed respondents, and
    respondents who had non-private health insurance than those with private health insurance.
  • Respondents who graduated college were more afraid to disclose their COVID-19 diagnosis
    to friends or family than those with lower education, while respondents with lower
    household income were more afraid to disclose their COVID-19 diagnosis at work than those
    with higher household income.
  • The prevalence of depressive symptoms and anxiety symptoms were higher among
    respondents who did perceive COVID-19 stigma compared to those who did not, and among
    respondents who were afraid to disclose their COVID-19 diagnosis to friends or family and
    at work compared to those who were not.