About SSE: Objectives & Rationale

The University of Michigan Summer Session in Epidemiology offers short intensive courses in epidemiology to provide a foundation for understanding the principles, methods and practice of epidemiology. It is designed for public health and healthcare professionals, researchers and others who want to build a foundation in epidemiologic science. A background in public health, biostatistics, or epidemiology is helpful but not required. 

Objectives and Rationale

The objective of the Summer Session in Epidemiology is to provide intensive instruction in the principles, methods, and applications of epidemiology. The continuity of this program over a period of 59 years demonstrates its important role in the education and training of graduate students in public health, physicians, nurses, and health professionals throughout the world. The University of Michigan School of Public Health has served as the host institution since 1988.

The curriculum allows for three-week and one-week courses. Each one-week course may be viewed as an independent entity, although many students have taken advantage of the sequence of interrelated topics. Depending on what specific SSE courses participants take, they will be able to implement into practice appropriate principles and methods for conducting population studies, including study design, data collection, statistical analysis, interpretation of findings, and implications for public health or medical practice. We encourage you to review carefully the contents of this website, which will serve to guide your selection and scheduling of courses.