Competencies and Learning Objectives for Health Management and Policy

  Competency Domain Specific course(s) that allow assessment
1Community Collaboration - The ability to align one's own and the organization's priorities with the needs and values of the community, including its cultural and ethnocentric values, and to move health forward in line with population-based wellness needs and national health agenda.Action Competency - Boundary Spanning
2Organizational Awareness - The ability to understand and learn the formal and informal decision-making structures and power relationships in an organization or industry (e.g., stakeholders, suppliers). This includes the ability to identify who the real decision makers are and the individuals who can influence them, and to predict how new events will affect individuals and groups within the organization.Action Competency - Boundary Spanning
3Relationship and Network Development - The ability to establish, build, and sustain professional contacts for the purpose of building networks of people with similar goals and that support similar interests.Action Competency - Boundary Spanning
4Accountability - The ability to hold people accountable to standards of performance or ensure compliance by effectively and appropriately using the power of one's position or personality, with the long-term good of the organization in mind.Action Competency - Execution
5Achievement Orientation - A concern for surpassing standards of excellence. Standards may involve past performance (striving for improvement); objective measures (results orientation); outperforming others (competitiveness); challenging goals, or redefining the nature of the standards themselves (innovation).Action Competency - Execution
6Analytical Thinking - Developing a deeper understanding of a situation, issue, or problem by breaking it down or tracing its implications step-by-step. It includes organizing the parts of a situation, issue, or problem systematically; making systematic comparisons of different features or aspects; setting priorities on a rational basis; and identifying time sequences, causal relationships, or if-then relationships.Action Competency - Execution
7Communication Skills 1 - Writing - The ability to use written communications in formal and informal situations to convey meaning, build shared understanding, and productively move agendas forward.Action Competency - Execution
8Communication Skills 2 - Speaking and Facilitating - The ability to use spoken communications in formal and informal situations to convey meaning, build shared understanding, and productively move agendas forward.Action Competency - Execution
9Initiative - Identifying a problem, obstacle, or opportunity and taking action in light of this identification to address current or future problems or opportunities. Initiative emphasizes proactively doing things and not simply thinking about future actions. Levels of proficiency relate to the time scale of focus, moving from addressing current situations to acting on long-term future opportunities or problems.Action Competency - Execution
10Performance Measurement - The ability to understand and use statistical and financial metrics and methods to set goals and measure clinical as well as organizational performance; commits to and deploys evidence-based techniques.Action Competency - Execution
11Process and Quality Improvement - The ability to analyze and design or improve an organizational process, including incorporating the principles of high reliability, continuous quality improvement, and user-centered design.Action Competency - Execution
12Project Management - The ability to plan, execute, and oversee a multi-year, large-scale project involving significant resources, scope, and impact. Examples include the construction of a major building, implementation of a new enterprise-wide information system, or development of a new service line.Action Competency - Execution
13Collaboration - The ability to work cooperatively and inclusively with other individuals and/or teams they do not formally lead; working together, as opposed to working separately or competitively.Action Competency - Relations
14Impact and Influence - The ability to persuade, convince, influence, or impress others (individuals or groups) in order to get them to go along with or to support one's opinion or position. The “key” is understanding others' interests and motivations, in order to have a specific impact, effect, or impression on them and/or convince them to take a specific course of action.Action Competency - Relations
15Interpersonal Understanding - The ability to accurately hear and understand the unspoken or partly expressed thoughts, feelings, and concerns of others, especially those who may represent diverse backgrounds and very different worldviews. Levels of proficiency relate to the increasing complexity and depth of understanding, as well as openness to perspectives very different from one's own.Action Competency - Relations
16Talent Development - The ability to build the breadth and depth of the organization's human capability and professionalism, including supporting top-performing people and taking a personal interest in coaching and mentoring high-potential leaders.Action Competency - Relations
17Team Leadership - The ability to lead groups of people toward shared visions and goals, from forming a team that possesses balanced capabilities, to setting its mission, values, and norms, and holding team members accountable individually and as a group for results.Action Competency - Relations
18Change Leadership - The ability to energize stakeholders and sustain their commitment to changes in approaches, processes, and strategies.Action Competency - Transformation
19Information Seeking - An underlying curiosity and desire to know more about things, people, and issues, including the desire for knowledge and staying current with health, organizational, industry, and professional trends and developments. It includes pressing for more precise information; resolving discrepancies by asking a series of questions; and scanning for potential opportunities or information that may be of future use, as well as staying current and seeking best practices for adoption.Action Competency - Transformation
20Innovation - The ability to approach one's work and the organization in new and breakthrough ways, including applying complex concepts, developing creative new solutions, or adapting previous solutions in promising new ways.Action Competency - Transformation
21Strategic Orientation - The ability to consider the business, demographic, ethno-cultural, political, and regulatory implications of decisions and develop strategies that continually improve the long-term success and viability of the organization.Action Competency - Transformation
22Professional and Social Responsibility - The demonstration of ethics, sound professional practices, social accountability, and community stewardship. Acting in ways that are consistent with one's values and what one says is important.Enabling Competency - Values
23Financial Skills - The ability to understand and explain financial and accounting information, prepare and manage budgets, and make sound long-term investment decisions.Enabling Competency - Health System Awareness & Business Literacy
24Human Resource Management - The ability to implement staff development and other management practices that represent contemporary best practices, comply with legal and regulatory requirements, and optimize the performance of the workforce, including performance assessments, alternative compensation and benefit methods, and the alignment of human resource practices and processes to meet the strategic goals of the organization.Enabling Competency - Health System Awareness & Business Literacy
25Information Technology Management - The ability to see the potential for administrative and clinical technologies to support process and performance improvement. Actively sponsors the continuous seeking of enhanced technological capabilities.Enabling Competency - Health System Awareness & Business Literacy
26Self-Awareness - The ability to have an accurate view of one's own strengths and development needs, including the impact that one has on others. A willingness to address development needs through reflective, self-directed learning, and by trying new approaches.Enabling Competency - Self-Awareness & Self-Development
27Self-Confidence - A belief in one's own capability to successfully accomplish their work. This includes confidence in one's ability as expressed in increasingly challenging circumstances, and confidence in one's decisions or opinions.Enabling Competency - Self-Awareness & Self-Development
28Well-Being - Establishes habits supporting well-being, and creates a work climate supportive of the total health of oneself and others. This includes role-modeling healthy habits and practices, and monitoring internal and external environments for opportunities to improve health.Enabling Competency - Self-Awareness & Self-Development

  Competency Specific course(s) that allow assessment
1Describe how basic microeconomic theory explains the influence of incentives on consumer, provider, and payer behaviors, costs, and other outcomesHMP660
2Develop strategies to continually improve the long-term success and viability of an organization, based on an analysis of the business, demographic, ethno-cultural, political, and regulatory implications of decisionsHMP603, HMP604
3Healthcare financial accounting.HMP608
4Build a professional network to cultivate the ability to work with others as future health managers and policy makersHMP620
5Utilize Cost-Benefit / Cost-Effectiveness analysis framework along with decision analysis tools to evaluate the relative value of the outcomes from public health and healthcare interventionsHMP610

  Competency Specific course(s) that allow assessment
1Critically evaluate the prior literature in health services organization and policy, including motivation, theory, data quality, methods, results, conclusions, and policy recommendationsHMP802, HMP803, HMP804, HMP805, HMP806, HMP835
2Develop research questions grounded in theory to expand knowledge about health services organization and policyHMP802, HMP803, HMP804, HMP805, HMP806, HMP835
3Create a rigorous study design to test the research questions posed and to understand the strengths and limitations of that study designHMP826, HMP809, HMP835, HMP809
4Apply advanced quantitative and/or qualitative methods appropriate for health services organization and policy research appropriately in one's own researchHMP826, HMP835
5Disseminate rigorous research findings through clear, persuasive written and oral communication to both peers and non-technical audiences.HMP826, HMP835