Courses Details
HMP809: Methods Of Inquiry In Health Research
- Graduate level
- Residential
- Winter term(s) for residential students;
- 3 credit hour(s) for residential students;
- Instructor(s): Holly Jarman (Residential);
- Prerequisites: None
- Description: Explores the nature, process and ethics of systematic inquiry in the field of health research. The focus is on the fundamentals of research design and emphasis is placed on ethical principles and research procedures that are applicable in different research contexts (quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods).
- This course is cross-listed with PSYCH 809 - I want to remove this cross listing in the Department of Psychology department.

Department | Program | Degree | Competency | Specific course(s) that allow assessment | HMP | Health Services Organization and Policy | PhD | Create a rigorous study design to test the research questions posed and to understand the strengths and limitations of that study design | HMP826, HMP809, HMP835, HMP809 |