Courses Details

HMP603: Organization and Management of Healthcare Systems

  • Graduate level
  • Executive Masters, Residential and Online MPH
  • This is a second year course for Online students
  • Fall, Winter term(s) for Executive Masters and residential students; Fall term(s) for online MPH students;
  • 2-3 credit hour(s) for Executive Masters and residential students; 2 credit hour(s) for online MPH students;
  • Instructor(s): Christine Stead, Michael Rubyan, (Residential/Executive Masters); Michael Rubyan (Online MPH);
  • Offered every year
  • Prerequisites: HMP Masters Standing or Perm Instr
  • Description: Focuses on servant and transformational leadership from the perspective of buyers, insurers, policy makers and leaders of nonprofit health organizations to understand how to deliver high quality, cost effective health care and reach and implement decisions about future activities and the best managerial practices for non-profit advocacy and community-based organizations.
  • Residential Syllabus for HMP603
Christine Stead
Michael Rubyan
Concentration Competencies that HMP603 Allows Assessment On
Department Program Degree Competency Specific course(s) that allow assessment
HMP MPH Develop strategies to continually improve the long-term success and viability of an organization, based on an analysis of the business, demographic, ethno-cultural, political, and regulatory implications of decisions HMP603, HMP604