Spring 2024

A teen driving simulator

A biostatistics breakthrough: Using data to improve teen driving

In Michael Elliott’s line of work, numbers save lives. Elliott, professor of Biostatistics at the University of Michigan School of Public Health, is an expert in the art and science of collecting, interpreting and analyzing data. One of his most recent projects could help save lives of a particularly accident-prone population: young drivers.

Jillian McConville

Staff Q&A: Getting to know Jillian McConville

Assistant Director of Undergraduate Education

Jillian McConville has worked at Michigan Public Health since 2014 and personally has helped 451 undergraduate students earn their bachelor’s degrees since 2017. Her expertise and thoughtful guidance helped steer undergraduates through the COVID-19 pandemic so they could go out into the world and be a part of the solution.

Theadra Fleming

Building inclusive DEI strategies, one block at a time

Theadra Fleming, MPH ’95

Inspiration can come from anywhere—a song, a once-forgotten conversation, a scene playing out at the grocery store. For Theadra Fleming, MPH ’95, inspiration for one of the most meaningful projects of her life—a quilt designed to celebrate the DEI 2.0 Strategic Plan Rollout—came from the brick pattern on the outside of her house.

From left to right, Justin Heinze, April Zeoli and Marc Zimmerman

Stopping the gun violence epidemic

Michigan Public Health has marshaled its resources to respond to this public health crisis

Michigan Public Health has marshaled its resources to respond to this public health crisis. Faculty with diverse research interests are studying the causes of gun violence, exploring various interventions to address the problem, and helping to shape public policies and programs designed to make Michigan schools and communities safer.

Libby Bortz

Class Notes

Our 18,000+ alumni are making an impact across the globe and shaping the future of public health. We’d love to share your success stories. Send us news about your travels, career paths and public health accomplishments at publichealth.umich.edu/classnotes.

Map of the stet of Michigan with the words

The state of research

The commitment to public health begins right here in Michigan

The University of Michigan stands out as a premier public research institution and, within it, the School of Public Health is recognized as an epicenter of innovative research and excellence in education. Last year, Michigan Public Health topped $100 million in research expenditures, boasting the highest research expenditure per faculty member across the university.