Purpose and Goals


The members of NCBON pledge our energies, time, and finances to the growth and development of CBOs across the United States. NCBON brings CBOs and their members into a national network to enhance capacities to:

  1. Partner with universities/agencies within their neighborhoods and broader communities to promote health,
  2. Act collectively to influence decision–making and policy at a national level.


  • A networking system will be established whereby grassroots community–based organizations will share best practices, lessons learned, and other resources to support collaboration and minimize power differentials between CBOs and their institutional partners.
  • CBOs will be in the forefront of policy formation. Local community members will be effectively organized to assure that decisions affecting their lives are made only in collaboration with those so affected.
  • All segments of the community—the young, the elderly, immigrants, non–English–speaking, men, and women—will find effective vehicles to make their voices heard.
  • NCBON will be a growing, self–sustaining organization.