National Community-Based Organization Network (NCBON)


The National Community-Based Organization Network (NCBON) was established in 2004 by members of the Community Based Public Health (CBPH) Caucus in affiliation with the American Public Health Association (APHA). Community Based Organization (CBO) members of the Caucus concluded that if their role as community partners was to be fully realized, they needed to develop an effective network of CBOs who want to partner with academic institutions and government agencies to carry out research and solve community problems.

Join the "Make It Real Campaign" by completing and submitting an updated membership application. Click here for full details. (clicking this link takes you to the membership application- no updates needed)

Join us for NCBON's 19th Annual Community Reception

NCBON is holding its 19th Annual Celebration of Community and Culture again in collaboration with our National and local Minneapolis, MN area partners. NCBON in collaboration with a local Minneapolis CBO will provide information about the upcoming 19th Unsung Hero Reception honoring and showcasing those who are doing great work in the community. We want to mark this milestone by lifting up the many individuals who have made change possible in our community. This National Award was established in 2004 by the American Public Health Caucus and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation Scholars. We want to honor our legacy by honoring.


Nominations for the Lucille Webb Award for Community Leadership in Community-Based Public Health can be submitted now until October 15, 2024.