
Membership is Free! There are two Membership Types:

Regular membership—an ORGANIZATIONAL membership open to any to any grassroots community-based organization or grassroots community-based agency that meets the definition above. Meetings are open and any number of representatives from each organization may attend; however, only one vote is allowed per organization.

Affiliate membership—an INDIVIDUAL or ORGANIZATIONAL member (other than a community-based organization, such as a hospital or university) who is committed to the work of NCBON and willing to adhere to the NCBON Operating Procedures. Affiliate members do not have voting privileges.

Make It Real Campaign: The NCBON's application process has been revised to include the official and documented buy-in of a member's organizational leadership (i.e., the Executive Director or CEO, etc.). As a result, we are asking ALL NCBON Members (Regular and Affiliate) to join our "Make It Real Campaign" by completing the updated membership application. The completed application MUST be received by 11:59 p.m. (ET), October 1st of each year, in order for you to be able to vote during the NCBON Annual Business Meeting that year. Current members of NCBON who do not submit a revised application will be classified as an "Individual Affiliate Member" with a non-voting status until a revised/signed application is submitted.

To join our network, please download our membership application to provide complete information for your organizational or individual membership. Completed applications should be sent to:
Ella Greene-Moton at or mailed to P.O. Box 816, Flint, MI 48501.

Regular Members


Affiliate Members

CBOP CERB Membership Invitation!

The CBOP Community Ethics Review Board (CBOP CERB) is a community led review process established to examine potential and actual research proposals, programs, and services, utilizing an ethical community lens to conducting research and delivering services. The CBOP CERB is comprised of community members who are dedicated and trained to review submitted projects for community ethics alignment and are provided a modest stipend for their services  Projects are reviewed at any stage of development from conceptualization  through completion.  CBOP-CERB also provides on-going community guidance as requested by project leads.

One pillar of CBOP’s mission includes educating the community on the benefits of health research and improving the social determinants of health (SDOH).  In an effort to strengthen and sustain that pillar through the CBOP CERB, we encourage community members with an interest in protecting the community from unethical research to complete and submit the online application to begin the CBOP-CERB board membership expansion process.  Application