Growing Membership List

NCBON partners with organizations and institutions to collaborate on projects of national scope to strengthen community–academic partnering and community–based participatory research (CBPR).

NCBON Partnerships

Planning Committee Member, Community Partner Summit, Community Campus Partnerships for Health (CCPH)

With guidance from a planning committee of community leaders, 23 experienced community partners from across the U.S. convened for Achieving the Promise of Authentic Community–Higher Education Partnerships: A Community Partner Summit (PLEASE NOTE: PDF FILE, OPENS WITH ACROBAT READER) held April 24–26, 2006 at the Wingspread Conference Center in Racine, Wisconsin. For a list of Summit co–sponsors and supporters, click here. For a complete description and resources, see the Community Partner Peer Mentoring & Advocacy Homepage on the CCPH website.

Scientific Community Advisory Board Member, Research for Improved Health: A National Study of Community–University Partnerships: CBPR Conceptual Model
University of New Mexico Center for Participatory Research

The Interactive–CBPR Conceptual Model is a product of “Research for Improved Health: A National Study of Community–University Partnerships,” an in–depth investigation of promoters and barriers to successful CBPR; funded by National Center for Minority Health & Health Disparities (2006–2009), Native American Research Centers for Health, National Institutes for Health, and Indian Health Service (2009–2013). This research has resulted in a CBPR Conceptual Model.

To join our network, please download our membership application to provide complete information for your organizational or individual membership. Completed applications should be sent to:
Ella Greene-Moton at or mailed to P.O. Box 816, Flint, MI 48501.