Season One

illustration of a group of people and the Detroit skyline

A City of Resilience: Public Health in Detroit

Detroit is more than one thing — it’s hundreds of neighborhoods and hundreds of thousands of people living, working and growing together. In Population Healthy’s Season One finale, Michigan Public Health researchers and alumni explore the unique public health issues facing the Motor City, and how they’re working directly with Detroiters to make the city a better and healthier place.

Illustration of people of various ages

Aging in America: Addressing the Complexities of Longer Lives and an Aging Population

With Americans living longer than ever before, how do we stay healthy as we get older? Experts from Michigan Public Health dive into the public health issues facing an aging population — from healthcare costs to alzheimer’s prevention, and the importance of our families and furry friends — and explore how we can ensure longer, happier, and healthier lives for all.

illustration of cancer prevention actions

Preventing Cancer: Thwarting a Disease that Affects 1 in 3 Americans

Chances are you or someone you love has been affected by cancer. From early detection, to community interventions and environmental protections, University of Michigan School of Public Health researchers examine the innovative ways public health is working to prevent cancers, uncover risk factors, and reduce the number of cases worldwide.

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Food and Family: How to Raise Kids Who Have a Healthy Relationship With Food

How can we set kids up from an early age to have a healthy relationship with food? With childhood obesity and eating disorder rates on the rise, nutrition and health behavior experts from the University of Michigan School of Public Health explore the ways we can help children and teens establish good habits and build the foundation for healthier lives.