Academic Integrity Resources

What Is Academic Integrity?

Most professional communities share established strategies for getting work done in an organized ethical way. In the academic environment, where intellectual advances and research questions drive knowledge forward, one of the established and organized strategies for "getting work done" includes identifying what other scholars have worked on a topic, what their contributions were, and how your work builds on, responds to, or modifies those existing studies. This is done through source citation.

Failure to identify and explain connections between your work and the work of other scientists limits the connections other readers can make.

It is also considered plagiarism and is a serious offense.

We thank the International Center for Academic Integrity for this public video on Academic Integrity.

Did you know?

Most plagiarism is unintentional.

  • Different disciplines have distinct strategies for identifying and citing sources. (They even vary in how often they cite and what they deem appropriate for citing)
  • Expectations for citing sources also vary by country and culture.
  • If you are unsure if you need to cite or source or how, ASK!

We Can Help!

Links to Additional Resources