Applied Practice Experience (APEx)
The Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH) requires that MPH students demonstrate attainment of at least 5 competencies (3 of which are foundational) through at least 2 practical non-academic work products, referred to as Practice Products or APEx Products. These products must be mutually beneficial to both practice partners and the student. Often students will have the opportunity to create practice products through the internship. Sometimes students will create Practice Products through other projects with practice partners. Practice partners refer to non-academic organizations and individuals; this may include governmental, non-governmental, non-profit, industrial, and for-profit settings or certain university-affiliated settings. University-affiliated settings are primarily focused on community engagement, typically with external partners or may be health promotion or wellness centers.

- African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC)
- Americorps
- Ann Arbor Meals on Wheels
- Ann Arbor Public Schools
- Arkansas Department of Health
- Benchmark Risk Group
- Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Central Virology Lab Sheba Medical Center
- Columbia Research Unit
- Comprehensive Cancer Information (NCI)
- Dearborn Department of Public Health
- Department of Environmental Health Israel Ministry of Health
- Department of Infection Prevention & Epidemiology, Michigan Medicine
- Detroit Riverfront Conservancy
- Diabetes Palestine Association (DPA) in Hebron, Palestine
- District Health Office of Gunungkidul, Indonesia
- Dongcheng Hospital
- Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS-USDA)
- Foundations Preschool of Washtenaw County
- Friends of Parkside
- Girl Scouts of Southeastern MI
- Girls Group
- Healthy Democracy Healthy People
- Henry Ford Health - Population Health Sciences
- Instituto Nacional de Investigación en Salud Pública (CIREV)
- Jiangsu Provincial CDC
- Mali and Mali Pediatrics
- Mercy-USA for Aid and Development
- MI Umbrella: Project Lighthouse
- Michigan Cancer and Research on the Environment Study (MI-CARES)
- Michigan Center for Respiratory Virus Research and Response (M-CRVRR)
- Michigan Coalition to End Domestic & Sexual Violence
- Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS)
- Michigan Medicine
- Michigan Public Health Institute (MPHI)
- MPHI Infection Prevention Research and Assessment Team
- Michigan Public Health Integrated Center for Outbreak Analytics and Modeling (MICOM)
- Minority Health and Health Disparities Research Training Program (MHRT)
- Missouri Foundation for Health (MFH)
- Mody Lab
- National Institute of Environmental Health Services (NIEHS)
- National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology (NIHE), Hanoi, Vietnam
- National Institutes of Health (NIH)
- National Science Foundation (NSF) Smart and Connected Communities
- Occupational Health Internship Program (OHIP)
- Office for Women, Louisville, KY
- Physicians for Human Rights Israel
- PeacePlayers Global Exchange
- Pioneer High School Science Olympiad
- Prevention Research Collaborative
- Program for Multicultural Health (PMCH)
- Puskesmas Wonosari 1
- Recovery Housing Program (RHP)
- Shanghai Pudong Disease Prevention and Control Center
- Skopje Queer Center
- State Appellate Defense Office
- Stronger Together
- Suntreso Government Hospital, Ghana
- The Art Experience Transforme, Trans, Travesti and Non-Binary Clinic
- Trinity Health Ann Arbor - St Joe's
- Truth for Health Foundation
- United Nations Development Programme Bureau for Policy and Programme Support
- United Steel Workers Local 1-689 (USW)
- United Way for Southeast Michigan
- University Health Service (UHS)
- University of Michigan Center for Interprofessional Education
- University of Michigan PREP Clinic
- Veterans Affairs Ann Arbor
- Washtenaw County Health Department

- (31) Brochure/Infographic/Factsheet/Educational Material
- (5) Code/Codebook
- (4) Curriculum/Training/Lesson Plan
- (17) Data Analysis/Data Report
- (8) Dataset
- (4) Focus Groups/Key Informant Interview/Interview Gude
- (3) IRB Application/Funding Proposal/Grant Writing
- (10) Paper/Write-up/Report/Literature Review
- (1) Policy Analysis
- (21) Presentation
- (1) Program Evaluation
- (4) Protocol/Handbook/Toolkit
- (2) Resource Book/List/Reference List
- (1) Statistical Analysis or Survey Plan
- (10) Survey Tool/Questionnaire/Audit Form
- (5) Webpage/Data Dashboard/Social Media/Video