Courses Details
EHS592: Infectious Disease And Emergency Response In Communities
- Graduate level
- Online MPH only
- This is a second year course for Online students
- Fall term(s) for online MPH students;
- 3 credit hour(s) for online MPH students;
- Instructor(s): Staff (Online MPH);
- Prerequisites: Successful completion of PUBHLTH 514 or PUBHLTH 501 or Permission of Instructor
- Description: This course will provide students an understanding of infectious disease outbreaks and control, the current infrastructure in the US to address infectious diseases and deploy emergency response, the role public health practitioners have in emergency response, and how gaps in infectious disease and emergency response in communities can be addressed.
- Learning Objectives: By the end of the course, students should be able to: 1. Describe the source of infectious diseases. 2. Characterize modes of disease transmission. 3. Identify key factors impacting the emergence of infectious disease outbreaks, including the role played by the environment. 4. Describe the role of emergency response in infectious disease mitigation and management, as well as public health infrastructure. 5. Understand the United States' infrastructure to respond to infectious disease outbreaks and pandemics. 6. Describe the United States' capabilities and capacity to address infectious disease outbreaks and deploy emergency response. 7. Compare the United States' capabilities and capacity to address infectious disease outbreaks relative to other developed nations. 8. Explain the impact of environmental and social injustices, including racism, on the emergence and outcomes of infectious disease outbreaks and emergency response. 9. Explain how structural racism has undermined environmental health at community, organizational, and societal levels. 10. Report on how structural racism has undermined occupational health at community, organizational, and societal levels. 11. Examine strategies that can be applied to enhance emergency response to infectious disease outbreaks, including strategies that promote environmental justice in communities. 12. Determine the role of public health practitioners to address and dismantle structural racism in infectious disease emergency response.