Courses Details

EHS801: Professional Development In Environmental Health Sciences

  • Graduate level
  • Residential
  • Fall term(s) for residential students;
  • 1 credit hour(s) for residential students;
  • Instructor(s): Dana Dolinoy (Residential);
  • Last offered Fall 2023
  • Prerequisites: None
  • Description: Professional Development in Environmental Health Sciences is an upper graduate-level course designed for Doctoral Students. Other students and post-doctoral fellows/auditors are welcome, if space allows. The course will cover professional development skills essential to early career success and to prepare students for a professional career in environmental health sciences.
  • Learning Objectives: 1. Develop effective job search strategies 2. Develop career appropriate documents (CV, resume, biosketch) 3. Critically assess personal values and their integration into career planning and goal development 4. Compose a narrative around your research interest and career goals 5. Explain and exhibit the underlying concepts around networking 6. Simulate interviewing and negotiation tactics for first career positions in various formats (virtual, in-person)
  • Syllabus for EHS801
Dana Dolinoy