Courses Details
EPID716: Clinical Epidemiology and Evidence-Based Decision Making
- Graduate level
- Residential
- Summer term(s) for residential students;
- 1 credit hour(s) for residential students;
- Instructor(s): Staff (Residential);
- Offered Every Summer
- Prerequisites: Perm. Instr.
- Description: With the increasing demand for an evidence-based approach in the delivery of health care services and the economic pressures for a more rational and efficient use of limited health care resources, practitioners and administrators in the health care field need to develop clinical measurement and evaluative skills in order to conduct their work optimally. Clinical Epidemiology and Evidence-Based Decision Making identifies and teaches these skills. The course will cover the basic concepts of clinical epidemiology in the context of appraising the recent medical literature pertaining to issues of causation, diagnosis, management, and economic evaluation. The format will include problem-based learning. Course materials will be provided in advance of the sessions, and should be reviewed before the course begins in order to obtain the maximum benefit from enrollment in the course. All health professionals (clinicians and administrators) who rely on the medical literature to guide their activities are invited to attend the course. No prerequisite.