Courses Details
EPID784: Survival Analysis Applied To Epidemiologic And Medical Data
- Graduate level
- Residential
- Summer term(s) for residential students;
- 1 credit hour(s) for residential students;
- Instructor(s): Douglas Schaubel, Kevin (Zhi) He, (Residential);
- Offered Every Summer
- Prerequisites: An introductory course in (bio)statistics that covers regression is required. Familiarity with a statistical software package is helpful, but example code will be provided in labs.
- Advisory Prerequisites: The mathematical level is completely accessible with knowledge of high school algebra, one semester of calculus, and a one-year course in basic statistical methods.
- Description: The primary objectives of this course are to provide participants with the background required to understand commonly used survival analysis methods and to apply such methods using standard statistical software. The course material relies heavily on examples and intuitive explanations of concepts.