Courses Details
HBHEQ600: Psychosocial Factors in Health-Related Behavior
- Graduate level
- Residential
- Fall term(s) for residential students;
- 3 credit hour(s) for residential students;
- Instructor(s): Kristi Gamarel (Residential);
- Offered every year
- Prerequisites: None
- Description: HBHE 600 provides an overview of the psychosocial determinants of behavioral risk factors that affect health. We address these determinants within theories, models, and frameworks of health-related behavior.

Department | Program | Degree | Competency | Specific course(s) that allow assessment | HBHE | MPH | Describe how to use social-ecological and life course perspectives to address key determinants of health, health disparities, and health equity through programs and policies. | HBHEQ600 | HBHE | MPH | Apply relevant social and behavioral science theories, concepts, and models that are designed to understand and modify health behavior and promote health equity. | HBHEQ600 |