Courses Details

HMP643: Managing People in Health Organizations

  • Graduate level
  • Residential
  • Fall, Winter term(s) for residential students;
  • 3 credit hour(s) for residential students;
  • Instructor(s): Staff (Residential);
  • Prerequisites: grad status
  • Description: This course provides the knowledge and skills for understanding and effectively managing individuals and groups within health care organizations. We consider a wide variety of motivations that draw individuals to their jobs and keep them productive. We also consider why organizations form small groups and the dynamics of these groups over time. Students learn techniques for persuasive communication and conflict management, develop strategies for dealing with interpersonal problems in an organizational setting, and processes for handling work teams. Common organizational problems that students solve include choosing the right person through the hiring process, evaluating employee performance, and negotiating contracts.
  • Syllabus for HMP643