Courses Details
NUTR624: Nutritional Epidemiology
- Graduate level
- Residential
- Fall term(s) for residential students;
- 2 credit hour(s) for residential students;
- Instructor(s): Ana Baylin (Residential);
- Prerequisites: EPID 503 or 600 or EPID 601 or PUBHLTH512; (C- or better)] and [BIOSTAT 501 or 521; (C- or better)]
- Description: This course is designed for Master and PhD students in the Department of Nutritional Sciences who are interested in conducting or better interpreting epidemiologic studies on nutrition and disease. The course will review methodological issues involved in the design, conduct, analysis and interpretation of studies investigating the relationship between diet and disease.

Department | Program | Degree | Competency | Specific course(s) that allow assessment | NUTR | Nutritional Epidemiology | PhD | Assess the primary strengths and weaknesses of different methods to collect nutrition information at the population level, including sources of error and approaches to reduce error | NUTR624 | NUTR | Nutritional Epidemiology | PhD | Apply methods of nutritional epidemiology for the evaluation of diet/disease relationships | NUTR624 | NUTR | Nutritional Interventions | PhD | Identify the primary strengths and weaknesses of the different methods that can be used to collect nutrition information | NUTR624 |