Courses Details
PUBHLTH407: Links between Infectious and Non-Communicable Diseases
- Undergraduate level
- Residential
- Winter term(s) for residential students;
- 3 credit hour(s) for residential students;
- Instructor(s): Melissa Beck (Residential);
- Prerequisites: PUBHLTH370 (or equivalent)
- Advisory Prerequisites: an introductory microbiology and immunology course or an introductory infectious disease course and an introductory non-communicable disease course.
- Description: This course introduces the students to the etiology, pathogenesis, and the evolution of epidemiology of major infectious and non-communicable diseases. It discusses the links between major infectious and non-communicable diseases, including epidemiological evidence, the underlying mechanisms, and their public health implications.
- Learning Objectives: 1. Gain an understanding of the international statistical classification of diseases and related health problems. 2. Describe the etiology, history, pathogenesis, and evolution of major infectious and non-infectious diseases in different populations. 3. Review epidemiological evidence for links between major infectious and non-communicable diseases 4. Identify methodologies required for studying links between infectious and non-communicable diseases and for exploring the underlying mechanisms of such links. 5. Discuss the public health implications of epidemiological transitions of human diseases and the infectious and non-communicable disease links.
- Syllabus for PUBHLTH407